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Cameron's pov

"Cameron,get up! You are gonna be late for school today!".

"Yes Mom!", I said getting up. I quickly went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and take my bath. After having my bath,I put on a pair of jeans and a dark green T-shirt. I combed my dark brown hair and tied it in a ponytail. I grabbed my backpack and went downstairs to have my breakfast.

"Hey Mom!", I greeted. She smiled and kissed my cheek. I grabbed and apple and and waved Mom goodbye. I opened the door and I took my bicycle near my front door and I rode my bicycle to school. My new school is just not far away from here. The wind was brushing past my face. I smiled. I hope I get to fit in in this school. I want to meet some new friends. I really hope that they'll be good to me. I reached my new school. I walked with my bicycle and parked it at the bicycle parking spot. They had this typical place to park your bicycles. There were just a few bicycles there but most of the students here use cars. I want a car of my own too but I guess I have to wait for it. Dad said he would buy for me one real soon. But I still don't know when.

I went to my locker to keep my books inside and I leaned by my locker and opened my Biology book and read it before my class starts. There's about twenty minutes left before class starts.

"Hey! Are you new here?", someone asked me. It was a boy. He looked decent. He's got blue eyes and neat blonde hair. He was a few centimeters taller than me. I smiled.

"Yes. I am new here", I said. He nodded and smiled.

"I'm Russel Scott", he said and stuck his hand out.

"Cameron Harrison", I said and shook his hand.

"So, what brings you here?", he asked while putting his hands in his pants pockets.

"My Dad got his job transfered here so,here I am", I said smiling at him.

"Oh.Ok. SInce you're new here,I'll show you around school at lunchtime."

"Yeah.Ok. Thanks anyway."

"No probs. By the way, you're in the same class with me", Russel said.

"Oh. Am I? Well,that's cool!", I said and laughed. Then the bell rang and we walked to class together. Our first period was Biology class. A teacher walked into our class. She intoduced herself as Ms.Roberts. I sat beside Russell and placed my Biology book on my table. Ms.Roberts then started teaching.

"I'm sorry I'm late Ms.Roberts. I woke up late today", a boy came running into the class. It turns out that it was Tyler. My heart skipped a beat.

"So Tyler, late again huh? Do you want me to come to your house next time and teach you what time do you have to wake up and school days and never sleep so late at night like a small kindergarten boy?", Ms.Roberts mocked Tyler. Everyone was snickering and laughing except for me and Russel. I almost felt sorry for him.

"I'm sorry Ms.Roberts. I'll never repeat this again", Tyler said looking down.

"Very well then. I don't want to see you coming late to school again. Do I make myself clear?", Ms.Roberts said sharply.

"Yes Ms.Roberts", Tyler answered and he went to his seat. He looked pretty embarrased. I turned my head and focused and what Ms.Roberts is teaching right now.


"So, lemmie show you around the school", Russell said after we had our lunch. I nodded my head and he showed me around the school. Now I'll know where is the badminton court, the field,the gym and everything. I love it here. This school is much bigger than my old school.

As I was walking around while talking to Russell, suddenly a girl around my age I guess running towards me.

"OMG!! Are you Cameron Harrison??" she asked shaking my shoulders.

"Yeah. I am. Hello!", I said smiling at this weird girl.

"Wow! I can't believe that this is you here in our school!! Can I have your autograph?

"Umm......sure. But may I ask why?" I asked her. Why is she asking my autograph? I'm not some famous freak or something.

"Yay!", she said and took out a pen and a paper. She handed it to me and I signed it feeling a bit awkward. Russell was staring at me and the girl back and forth.

"May I ask why did you ask her autograph? Russell ask the crazy gorl in front of me.

"Yeah. I've seen you singing covers on YouTube. They were great. You have one wowsome voice. Wowsome is a combination of wow and awesome. I am your biggest fan. And by the way, my name is Meggie Signora but you can call me Meggie. I'm Russian", Meggie said.

"Wow. Thank you for your support. I only sing when I feel like it. But I usually sing most of the time. And I still don't know why you really watch my covers on YouTube. I barely got 1 Millon views. Maximum is just about five hundred thousand views. Not that good but thank you anyway", I said to Meggie feeling grateful. She smiled.

"Can I hang out with you guys? I hardly have any friends. They hate me. They think I'm such a nerd", Meggie said sadly.

"Of course you could be with me and Russell. We can hang out together!", I said happy to make a new friend.

"Great! I'll meet you soon. But right now I've got plans", Meggie said. I nodded my head and she walked off.

"What just happened?", Russell asked and I laughed. Then he started laughing too.

"She is some weird girl. But I like it anyway. I like nerds and crazy people", I said while laughing. Then we walked back to class together.


First day of school is really tiring. I was just leaving the school compound and I rode my bicycle home. As I reached home, I parked my bicycle outside my house and I went in. Mom was reading a book while eating apple pie at the dining table.

"Hey Mom. I'm back." I said plopping on the sofa.

"So how is your new school? Did it went well?", she asked not looking up from her book.

"Yeah. It went pretty well." I said.

"Your lunch is in the microwave. Go heat it up", she said and went upstairs. I heated my food and started eating it while reading a book. While I was reading, I can't stop thinking about something. It's Tyler. There is something about him that I really want to know but I don't know what is it. I know. I know. I'm dumb. But I guess I'll have to talk to him someday. I think I'll go into the woods tonight.

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