The Center Of My World.

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s o m e t i m e - 1 year ago


My house looked like a fish market. I was absolutely clueless and confused about where to watch over what. My mom would kill me if she saw this mess but I've hatched a plan to slowly throw all the blame on Aiden if she were ever to find out about this.

"Hey, Austin," a girl brushed her fingers through my arms. "Come dance."

I uncomfortably laugh as I pull my hand out of her grasp. I nod, giving her an awkward smile and I pull the paper cups lying behind her.

"Where are you going?" She whined and I moved fast before she could touch me again.

I held the paper cups high in my hand and I showed them to her, "Going to drop the trash."

I quickly turned around and acknowledged Mason and Chad, jumping over the glass bowl and a few knocked-over nachos. I made a note to vacuum those places at least seven times so mum wouldn't catch hold of me or the nachos. I dodged a really horny couple trying to make out near the staircase.

I was actually playing real-life subway surfers in my house. I saw Liam run down the stairs with a few more cups in his hand. I groaned when he stuffed it into my pile.

"What the hell," I called after him.

"I cleaned the first floor, stop whining," he yelled back. "Do you have the brownies?" 

My jaw tightens as I stop mid-step and turn to glower at him. "You don't have them?" 

He realizes his mistake when he understands I'm clueless about his spiked brownies. "I'll find it." He says calmly and softly before running away from me. 

"You better," I yell to his back. 

I ran two steps at once. I dumped the paper cups into the trash bag. I saw my jacket hanging on the railing and I immediately pulled it. I decided to throw it in my room. I barged into my room but I'm stunned to see Izz pushing off my duvet that she was hiding under with her mouth stuffed with food as she slowly stops chewing. 

I don't want to smile but the sight of finding her in her isolated spot hogging food when a party is happening downstairs is too adorable to ignore. "Nice," I tell her but she chews three more times and straightens the messed up strands of her hair on her face. 

I throw my jacket on my table as I kick the door shut. I walk to my bed and sit on my side which she's left unoccupied. 

"What are you eating?" I push the duvet more and the brownies stare back at me. "Fuck, tell me you didn't--how many have you eaten?" 

She swallows the big bite and looks at me with innocent eyes as I take the box away from the bed and keep it on my side table. "I didn't count. But Liam said they were extra tasty today and he was so right." She giggles licking her lips. 

"I'm going to kill him. You both have got to stop these prank wars--" I try to get out of bed but her hands grab the collar of my black shirt and she pulls me back, closer to her. Her hold on my shirt tightens and I jerk closer to her face. "You are high," I whisper. 

She chuckles. "No, Coop, it's hi, how are you? And I'm happy, thank you for asking."

I let my forehead drop on hers as I close my eyes and give up. When I pull back, she's thoughtfully staring into my eyes. "What are you thinking?" 

Both our tones are so low and husky, I almost snap out of my leash. "My dad thinks you don't have a girlfriend because of me." 

My entire body grows rigid. "W-What?" 

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