#8: Pranks Wars & Revenging.

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The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.
- William Shakespeare

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We tiptoe into the guest room.

Meticulously, I walk closer to the bed where Austin and Liam are fast asleep. I lift the ice bucket in my hand until I'm gripping its handle and its bottom at the same time. I urge May, who followed me throughout this journey, to repeat my actions. She nods and lifts it. 

Both our faces break into a mischievous grin. She nears Liam and I advance towards Austin.

If it weren't for today's mint shake prank, I wouldn't have taken so much trouble to bring the ice water buckets down the stairs. This act as a whole was a reaction to their mint shake affair. It took me two hours of heavy scrubbing to get the smell and the color of the cursed mint shake off my body. In my defense, it was Liam Davis who declared war this time, with absolutely no instigation.

It was hard enough to carry the buckets of ice water all the way downstairs, Jason Cody crashing on the living room couch made it harder to pass through because we were supposed to be extra quiet. Jason had to take the couch because he lost against Austin and Liam in Jenga. 

But when May and I managed to pass through him without waking him up, I realized he wasn't an obstacle at all because no amount of disturbance could ever wake him up. I comfortably put caramel syrup on Cody's hair until his blonde hair looked amber. 

I nod at May and hold out three fingers through the handle of the bucket. She holds two and we both mouth, 'one' and turn the buckets upside down. We drop the empty buckets in the guest room before they open their eyelids and run out of it. May runs up the stairs as I pull the door and bolt it shut from the outside.

I run behind May as the sounds of chaos begin to grow louder. She enters my room first and I jump through the rest of the distance when I hear loud curses. I enter the room and she bangs the door shut. 

We see each other and fall to the floor as we burst out laughing. 

"WHAT THE FUCK?" I could hear Liam screaming until here. 

"JESUS CHRIST, I CAN NOT BELIEVE THIS." Austin's voice followed and I held my stomach, worrying that I could potentially die if I laugh so much. "They locked the door, Cody open it." 

I was waiting for one particular barbie to open his eyes and see the mess that his hair has become. Jason spends fifteen minutes every day styling his silky blonde hair. It's his prized possession and apparently, a girl magnet. His words, not mine.

"JASON CODY WAKE UP," Liam yells at the top of his voice. 


"MY HAIR!" Jason's voice was louder because he was closer to our room. "WHAT THE FUCK, MY HAIR!"

I don't know if it was imagining Jason holding his hair dripping with caramel syrup or the way May was laughing that induced another loud laughter from me. My chest was really throbbing and my stomach began to cramp. I closed my eyes, trying to relax the sudden contraction. 

"THIS IS NOT FUNNY," Jason complained and his voice seemed muffled. 

I hear a shuffle of feet and I can hear them running up the stairs. I recheck if the door to my room is completely locked. I hurry and bolt it. May and I both plant our ears to the door to get a better insight into the chaos. 

"WHAT, IN THE NAME OF GOD IS GOING ON?" I heard dad's voice boom.

Shit. I forgot about his presence in this house. 

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