#3: Five Shots Down.

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Teenagers. Everything is so apocalyptic.
-Kami Garcia

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"Yup. That should be it." Grace nodded as she examined me from head to toe.

Really? I don't even feel like myself. How can you dress a volleyball attacker into a touch-me-not barbie for just some stupid farewell party? I'm not even sure I want Carter to ask me out now.

"I feel naked." I roll my eyes while Grace groans adjusting my hair.

"No, say you feel beautiful," Grace emphasized.

"Bullshit. You can't make me say stuff. I feel beautiful in jeans." I snorted.

"Say it for my sake," Grace frowned and I rolled my eyes again. She pulled out her phone unaffected by my whines. 

"What are you do--" I couldn't complete because the camera flash hit my eyes and I had to block them from my hand to prevent turning permanently blind. 

"That's for mum and dad." Grace nodded smiling.

I don't even begin to argue with her on this because it would never end. I moved towards the door and opened it when Grace whistled. My shoulders tensed as I turned around with gritted teeth and a clenched jaw. She's done nothing today but completely irritate me. From the cute boy incident to pairing me up with Austin and then blackmailing me for a makeover and now she has the audacity to whistle at me instead of calling me by my name. 

I turned back groaning. "Yes, your highness?" I asked bowing.

"Protect my dress with your life," Grace warned me as I frowned at her.

"I'm sure your dress will make it through the party quite alright. Although, I'm not sure if I will." I screamed storming off the room and rushing down the stairs.

Liam and Austin were talking softly in the living room. They were both leaning against the couch. I tried to run down the stairs but the dress kept swaying on my thighs and I was afraid I might reveal my insides if I wasn't careful. I was so grateful for my boots that reached to my knees and covered most of my legs. I do not like showing skin at such parties. 

I had my phone inside the jacket that dangled over my arm. I stuffed cash behind my phone case and Grace practically puked in her mouth at that act. I refuse to carry her golden purse that sparkles brighter than the stars in the sky. The dress flowed until the middle of my thigh, the sleeves just a thick strap on my shoulders with a light cream ribbon cinching the fabric around my waist. Grace had braided my hair into a messy french updo, with a few red curls tickling the base of my neck. 

"Jesus Christ," Liam trailed off as his eyes fixed on me. 

"--it's horrible how she got me to agree." I was mumbling words of frustration all the way down.

I reached them and adjusted my jacket on my arms to not fall down. I was whining and groaning and sighing all at the same time. My arms already had goosebumps because the strap of this dress made no effort in keeping me warm. Rose gold is a color I don't ever wear because (a) I do not like pastel-colored clothes, (b) I am not a dresser, and (c) well, I just don't like it. 

Liam tugged on his dark blue sweatshirt as he pulled them up to his elbow. His black pants accented his legs and I loved how both of them looked so simple. I clearly looked overdressed. 

Both of them were silently watching me. The only difference being Liam eyeing me felt normal but when I turned to Austin, his eyes left shivers in every place he stared. I quickly shudder it off as I nudge them towards the door. 

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