#23: The Terrace Tent.

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"Oh my god," I curse, looking at the sky. 

I cannot believe they were all in on this. I spent so much time with them in that room. I knew May knew something but I had no clue Liam and Jason were in on it too. Even Jacob Miles was in on this whole idea. I can't believe I didn't recognize their difference in behavior. I can't believe the bin reconciled with Jacob. I can't believe Austin reconciled with Jacob. 

"I know I should've told you before, it slipped from my mind I'm sorry." Austin was apologizing but the smirk on his face was not helping. 

I walk closer to him and I grit my teeth. "They consoled me in the detention room huddle today. Jason and Liam freaking consoled me and pretended as if they didn't know anything. What the hell was that? They were included in this all along?" 

Austin almost burst into chuckles. "Yes, it was their call to put out an act in front of you. I'm going, to be honest, and tell you May was against it but Liam was the one who got her to agree as well." 

I clench my jaw. I'm going to hunt Liam Davis and cut him into pieces. "I was genuinely worried." 

Austin bit the inside of his cheeks, slowly nodding. "They told me." 

I scoffed. "Oh, you were being informed. How lovely! You would talk to them but not talk to me?" 

"It's not like that. I told you I wanted you to focus on the game," he said softly tilting his head. I'm not buying Austin Cooper's sweet talks now. 

"Then you shouldn't have spoken to anyone. This is horrible. Did they already tell you that I have feelings for you then? Because that is just so unfair, Austin. You were supposed to hear it from me. It was not supposed to be informed to you--" 


I stop talking because I see a change in his expression. His eyebrows attract towards one another and a frown line forms upon his forehead. His eyes are narrow yet completely wide and confused. 

"What?" I ask, starting to look confused myself. 

"What feelings do you have for me?" He took a step closer. 

Suddenly, my confusion disappears. I gulp, taking the digesting the realization that they hadn't told him about what I just assumed they would have and blurted out. I take a step back, feeling my throat completely constricted. Austin takes a step ahead. His hand reaches beside my head and I realize he's holding the wall again. 

I turn my head up to look at him as soon as my back comes in contact with the wall. I don't know how I'm supposed to admit it to him. He leans closer to my face, inspecting it and I shut my eyes. I do not want to look at his blue gaze that makes me blurt out everything that comes to my mind. 

"Izz," his voice hits my face and I shiver. "What feelings do you have for me?" 

My eyes open very little. I swing my arms around his neck and bury my face in the crook of his neck. He stiffens at my action but he slowly relaxes and wraps his hand around my waist. 

I close my eyes in the crook of his neck. I am too scared and awkward to admit what I feel for him. His gaze is too captivating and right now, after all the words he just said, I don't think I can even think around him. 

"It's been a while since I realized I've had feelings for you." I talk inside his neck without opening my eyes. 

"What kind of feelings?" He asks after a moment. 

I grab his jacket tightly. "Different kinds of feelings." 

"Define different," he tells in a voice from which I know he's smiling. 

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