#27: Odds and Owes.

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"Are you sure this is his number?" I ask Austin when the line starts ringing on the other end. 

"This is what Aiden gave me, so I'm guessing this is it." Austin shrugged. 

I start biting my nail when the line continues to ring. My phone's on speaker and we're currently dialing Ethan Clark. Or hopefully to Ethan Clark. After the talk we had about who's taking who to prom at the bistro two days ago, I had this amazing idea of calling up Ethan and belting his ass before asking him what the hell is going on. 

Austin fetched Ethan's number from Aiden, who all are apparently in the same batch. I don't recall knowing any senior named Ethan Clark, but then again, I was only a sophomore at that time and I was dealing with some pretty serious shit back then to pay attention to my seniors. 

"I really think this is a bad idea," Liam said when the phone was still ringing. "We shouldn't interfere in between two people who've been dating for so long." 

Jason scoffed, throwing a pillow at Liam. "May's family. Family comes over love. Plus, we're only calling him to ask when he's going to ask her out, right?" 

"Yes," I nod at Jason. "After I kick his ass." 

Liam snapped his head at me. "You're doing no such thing. It's not your place." 

Jason was sitting up straight too. He hit my head with another pillow and he shook his head. "Respect their privacy a little." 

"To hell with privacy and places. He's making her feel horrible I'm going to strangle him for all I care." I impatiently wait for him to pick up the call. 

Liam tries to take the phone away from me but I dodge him. Austin pushes him to the bed and has him locked in between his arms. I get up from the bed and nudge them to be quiet. I stand at the foot of my bed, watching the three boys hush their voices the moment the ringing stops and Ethan picks up the call. 

"Hello?" Ethan asks after a few seconds. 

I clear my throat lightly, "Ethan Clark?" I ask, hoping with everything in me that this is Maya Sen's boyfriend. 

He's quiet for a few more seconds. "Yes, who's this?" He asks and I punch the air, completely thrilled. 

This is probably the only time I'm happy to be associated with Aiden. I almost thought he'd intentionally give us the wrong number so we make a fool out of ourselves. 

"This is Isabella Cosmo," I tell and I can hear mumbling and unclear noise from the other end. "I wanted to talk to you about something, are you free?" 

"Bella," he mutters against the phone and I hear mumbling again. "Give me a second," he says and I put our call on mute. 

"I'm going to kill this guy," I say out loud. 

"No, no, no," Liam yells and Austin smacks his face with my pillow. "This is wrong on so many levels." I hear Liam mutter but I don't care. 

"Yes, Bella, tell me," Ethan says and I take a breath and unmute the call. "What can I do for you?" 

My blood boils under my skin. His girlfriend is so distressed and sad for the last couple of days and he has the nerve to ask me what he can do for me? 

I laugh, mockingly. "What you can do for me Ethan, is try and behave like a decent boyfriend and show some concern for my best friend because she's not okay and if I can see that, I'm pretty sure you can see that as well, right? But then again, only if you could take the precious time out of your precious little schedule would you see her and remember that this is your girlfriend's first and last prom in Frankfurt and she's been dreaming of it forever. So if you as much as to ruin even 1% of it for her, I'm going to ruin 100% of your life. So get the fuck on your knees and ask her out before it's too late and I'm forced to come to your house and have my boyfriend break your face." 

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