#37: Prom Queen & Prom King.

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This is probably the first time my brain has worked up so many possibilities of so many scenarios and so many excuses at the same time. I glance toward the curtain and then back to Liam. He glances between Jacob and me, hoping for some reaction as an answer. He gets nothing. 

"Bella, you took my phone and you told me you'd be back with it. Well? Where is it?" He asked again, patiently. 

"Can someone please tell me what the fuck is going on?" Jason joined our huddle glancing behind him. When he saw the tensed look on my face, he came closer. "How do you know things you're not supposed to know?" 

I open my mouth to probably answer him but I see Mia running toward us and my eyes widen. I begin to sprint the other way but she grabs my wrist and yanks me back. Her eyes resemble the eyes of an executioner, ready to kill. She tightens her grip on my wrist and I wince. 

"What the absolute fuck? You are not allowed to cut the call and leave me with cliffhangers." She glanced at Jacob and her eyes darted back to me, questioningly. She glanced at Liam and Jason and then stepped closer to speak softly. "Do you have it?" 

I close my eyes and bite my lip because it's trembling again. She curses and I feel her fingers leave my wrist. She's holding her head, panicking, and looking around. 

"Um," I open my eyes and see May peeping from in between Liam's and Jason's shoulders. "Are we all talking about the SOS? Because I really need to know why I can't be prom queen." 

My palms slap my face in disgust, embarrassment, and agony. If it was just up to me, Julie would be in the ambulance being rushed to the ER now. I hate what I've done. I hate every single revenge that I helped play out. I hate what I'm about to do. And I hate that there's no other way out. 

"Okay," Liam says in an unsteady voice. "Bella, is something wrong?" I nod from behind my palms because I'm too in pain to show him my burning face. "How bad is it?" 

"Extreme," Jacob answers it before me. 

"Oh, you know before us?" Jason lashes out. 

"Wait," Mia stops them. "You guys are talking to this person now? I thought he was in the red zone." 

May hums. "No, we made up." 

I hear Mia clear her throat, "Did you not go to the station today?" 

"No. Didn't you?" May asks her almost instantly. 

"What station?" Liam snaps. 

"The police station," Mia and May say at the same time. 

"Why? What happened now?" Jason sounds as clueless as the rest of them. 

"I don't know," Mia shrieks so loudly, that I have to drop my hands and eye her wide enough glare for her voice to dial down. She glares back at me. "Don't you dare give me that look. You have some serious explaining to do here." 

I want to answer. I want to explain everything. I want them to help me solve this and I just want to go back to my room and sleep. Today is a nightmare and every minute it's just getting worse. I want to clear it out to them but my eyes catch the pair of blue eyes that's approaching our huddle. It feels like it's been weeks since I saw him, or spoke to him. His face is worried and he knows something is wrong. 

Obviously, it's been three hours since we got here and all that I've been doing is dodge him. I clear my throat and stand up straight when I see Austin only a few steps away. I turn to Jacob and nod at him. "Tell them everything." 

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