#21: Locked In Memories.

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Things don't change if you keep staring at your reflection, hoping it would. I see the medal, gold-plated, dangling around my neck. My pony is still high and tight on the back of my head. My jersey is soaked in sweat and my legs feel weak and tired. I had to lean my hands on the sink just so I wouldn't lose my balance.

I remembered how I cried on Grace's red and white boyfriend's shirt almost making it look like she was sweating too. The trophy honors, scholarship, and medal distribution took their sweet time. I dreaded just getting my alone time after about a hundred other selfies and two hundred hugs of farewells. The prom date was announced just three days from today. We had it in a pre-booked resort and our stay of a week was booked by the school for the celebration of today's win, prom, and graduation. 

I shuddered my face when all the smiles played in front of my eyes. Grace was overjoyed and it looked like she was almost done and dusted with the ancient Noah history. I made a mental note to myself about asking dad to inquire about Richard Williams regarding Grace's tapes.

It's been a while since that event happened. Seemed so far away and I triggered my insides when I thought about the painful series of events that followed it. I moved to one of the cubicles with my clothes in my hand. I removed the sweaty, Frankfurt high, red jersey outfit and stuffed it into my bag. I wore a simple white top having the word 'hope' inscribed in the center. The irony is that I have lost all of mine today. My shorts were plain simple black and I slipped my white canvas shoes back on.

I walked out of the cubicle and stuffed the rest of the stuff in my locker inside my bag. My locker was now empty, like every other locker in the changing room. I sighed shutting the metal door and I swung my tote bag on my shoulders.

Taking one last look at the whole changing room, sequences of memories played in my head.

The time I met those girls, acting like weird strangers at first. Dancing with them when Jacob and I started going out. The many pranks we pulled up on each other. Austin's beginning of pump talking tradition. Breaking down in the worst of forms. Celebrating wins and losses. Backing up the one who needed the boost. The kinky flirts Austin used to give here post-match. The ways and words we've been scolded by Coach and lastly, today's group hug.

I had a smile refreshing all those memories. I noticed a banner being thrown next to the trash can. I walked towards it and picked it up, trying to read after smoothing its edges.

'Wildcats, Forever.'

I took it and hung it in between the silts of the mirror. It was visible, bright, and nice. I turned back and headed for the door. After one last look, seeing the empty, soundless changing room; I opened the door and walked out. Never giving the room another glance.

I heard the door shut behind me, with its loud and iron magnetic functioning. My wincing was very minor but I could hear the talks we shared in that room form an echo in my brain and finally silence itself.

I crossed the Basketball field in the gym, the wooden floor glowing under the night lights. The baskets and the center field looked as if in a spotlight. A ball lay amidst the field, showing how calm and lonely the alley was. Every time I played basketball, it was to divert my attention. Volleyball needs my focus so it cannot become my distraction. So I decided basketball was going to be my very own diversion sport. 

I turned the doorknob and began walking toward the parking lot. I was surprised when neither May, Liam nor Cody waited for me. They wouldn't wait for me after any match. But because Austin is awol, I told Grace to wait for me so I'd have someone to ride me home. 

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