#48: Love & Other Goodbyes.

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I shut my ears with both my hands until his voice started to fade away. I was losing his voice, along with him. He was water and I was trying my best to hold him inside my hand. Every time my fist closed around him, he slipped through. I was losing him; drop by drop. 

I stopped in my tracks, steps away from my door. The moment my eyes opened again; I knew what I wanted.

I knew I was giving in to a momentary lapse but I was giving in with all consciousness. I was ready to make my one last mistake. I was sparing myself one last moment of joy before I was going away from it all. 

I wiped the remaining tears and I turned around.

I rushed to the door and without waiting I pulled it open. It was as if my Sahara dessert met Antartika's snow. My scorching hot skin felt the chill of ice. My breathing seemed to be so loud, my ears loved how loud my heart started pounding. Everything else became a haze, and my eyes loved the sight of the blue I love. 

His hand was up like he was about to knock on my door. Looking at me, his face flushed. He pulled his hand to the back of his neck and began scratching it. Both of us turned the brightest shades of red.

He opened his mouth but he was struggling to find words. I knew he was here for the same reason I was. I bit my lip when his hand slowly fell down from his neck. His eyes didn't look away from me this time. 

Everything was silent except for our ragged breaths and the faint roar of the ocean in the distance. I had stopped crying but our tear-stained eyes mirrored the same ache. The ache both of us felt for each other. For time. For everything we tried, but could never be in the world we lived in. 

But right now, the rest of the world didn't exist, and I still had four hours ticking on my time bomb. 

Last chance. 

I held his collar and pulled him inside my room. I pushed him to the wall beside the door; and the moment his back collided with the wall and the door locked shut, I smashed my lips on his. Sparks consumed my skin and the heat in my stomach flared to life. I groaned at the sensation, my pulse beating so wildly I couldn't hear anything else. He smelled like the ocean and tasted like spice and vanilla, I wanted to devour him until he left a mark on every part of me. He fisted my hair and glued me to himself, hungry, aching, and still so gentle. 

His movements were soft and powerful but he never hurried it. His actions never pushed me off to the rough side but his touch was enough to tell me how much he wanted this in every unspoken language. 

He was ruthless in his invasion of my senses, his touch so hot and possessive, that it branded itself into my skin, and I surrendered to him without a shred of resistance. He switched our positions as he pinned me to the wall beside us. My hands traveled all the way from his hair to his shoulders, his chest, and his abs; but before they reached further below, he groaned in my mouth and grabbed them before pinning my hands to the wall beside my head. His lips grazed from my mouth to my neck, which shivered at the contact of his lips. 

"Austin," I whimpered shutting my eyes and gripping his hair when he sucked on my neck again. 

He moaned against my skin, melting under my touch and burning into it. "Don't say my name like that." 

He scooped me up in his arms and walked us over to the bed. He places me gently on the foot of the bed. He pulled my chin up as he lowered his face and looked at me with flaring blue eyes. I gulped when his thumb tugged my lower lip down. A second later, I gasped when his tongue swooped inside my mouth, releasing hundreds of butterflies trapped inside my stomach. The fluttering spread like electricity everywhere my blood flowed. 

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