#14: Silence & Sky.

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There was no drug strong enough to repair a broken heart.
- Kass Morgan



"Okay, what the fuck?" Liam talks as soon as we realize his car is gone. I sigh, brushing my hair trying to take off the stress. "I understand that you both have your differences but you cannot bring that incident up like that." 

I close my eyes in regret. I know he's talking to me but not making it obvious. I shouldn't have brought it up again. Especially in front of her, knowing exactly the kind of memories it would bring back for her. 

But if I don't tell it out, he will never understand that what he did to her was not a small mistake. I want him to know how she struggled. I want him to feel more than just guilty about it. 

"Austin," Jason nudged my shoulder. "Shouldn't have brought it up in front of her. I know we made the pact that we'd not let that change anything but this was just a little too insensitive." 

"Yeah, I'm sorry," I covered my face with my palms. 

As I looked up, Jason put his arm around my shoulder. I took deep breaths and kept my mouth shut. I should've kept it shut from the time before. 

Jacob is staring at something behind us. I glance at what he's watching and I see the man who was staring at Izz. I see him look at us and I see him mumble something to his friend. My fists get ready because I've wanted to do this from the time he was staring at her. 

He approaches us, slowly but confidently, without looking away. Something about that confidence terrifies me. It makes him powerful, and stronger and definitely gives him an advantage. I don't want to fight older men. But this man just makes me want to gouge his eyeballs out. 

"Do anyone of you have plans of joining the military?" He asks when he's closer. 

I don't respond but Mason answers for all of us. We had a collective scholarship application to Revenna Chiefs. Mason wanted in, I wonder if he got that. Jacob has forever wanted to go to the Berlin Business School. He always wanted to succeed in his dad and take over the clubbing and casino industry. I wonder if that still remains or not. 

"No sir, none of us right now." Mason shakes his head. 

The man takes out five cars and hands one to each of us. The card has information about a military summer school for boys that starts in July. It's a two-month school and I glance at the man again, he doesn't seem like a serial killer anymore. 

"Well, if any of you change your mind, you know where to call." He nods and mechanically we nod back. "It's a shame to have height and build like that and not put it to use to serve the country." He says. 

Jacob clears his throat. "I think it's more of a personal choice and military cannot be forced upon us just because we meet the requirements of it." 

The man raised both his hands up in defense. "No, no, I don't mean that. I would've killed for the height and physique like yours so I just offered another opportunity. I do know the military is not the only way to serve the country. But a summer school wouldn't kill, right?" 

"We'll get back if we change our mind." I nod. He turns to leave and the question bothers me. So I blurt it out without thinking. "Why were you staring at her?" 

He stops in his tracks. I see his back tense and his shoulders stiffen. I can feel Jacob take a sharp breath, annoyance, I know. But I had to ask. If he is actually giving us contacts for military school, he ought to have a reason to make her feel so uncomfortable.

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