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To everyone who thinks unrequited love is beautiful.

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d e t e n t i o n - 4 years ago


I have always suffered from this horribly disadvantageous condition – it's called being directionally challenged. It's self-diagnosed of course, but I'm almost positive it's an actual thing, so it's not really my fault that I'm having trouble navigating this maze known as Frankfurt High Academy.

My chances of maneuvering my way through this school would have been souped up if I wasn't sweating like a glass blower's arse or headed towards detention in the cellar on the first day of my Freshmen year.

I'm sure this is one record Grace can only dream of breaking. For a fact, I'm also certain that my parents will not be proud of this. But do you blame a girl who only played basketball but the basket and she were not on sweet terms today?

Apart from raging like the Hulk, I jolted through the dusty lanes of the school's basement until I found myself standing in front of a lonely classroom door which was faded steel blue. It was titled the 'D-room' as in the 'Detention Room'. Wow. I jolted inside without knocking. A cold dither passed down my spine as soon as I focused on the audience.

"Ah, you must be the sixth idiot on the list today." The man standing against the desk growled.

He was about five foot tall with five strands of hair on his head but for a man so tiny he did have a peculiarly huge (ego) belly. His eyebrows nearly met when he frowned at me but little did he know people often greeted me like that. He glanced at the pink detention note in my hand and confirmed his hunch.

"I'm mostly known as Isabella Cosmo, but sure, the sixth idiot works too." I grinned.

Without waiting for him to acknowledge, I walked inside the room and sat on the farthest bench in the first row. When I reached the highest level of comfort I could in this cramped chair, I lifted my eyes back to him.

"The first day of school and I have a team of dimwits ready to take my load off," the annoyed man sang.

"If we're taking your load off, shouldn't you be expressing gratitude to us rather than calling us dimwits?" A male voice stated behind me.

I tilted my neck and saw the genius who even considered replying to Mr. Grumpy. His hazel eyes shot to me from under his dark brown hair while his smile still remained intact. I quickly looked away when he wouldn't budge his eyes off me.

"You are ordered to keep your mouths shut while I run a background check." Grumpy Grumperson yelled.

"You must be kidding me now," I heard a girl and then I saw her take her head in her hands.

"Mouths shut."

And no more voices were heard. I watched the small man arrange the small pink notes in order on the desk as he tried to match the notes to our faces with complete confusion. And when he was supposedly so sure, he stood up straight.

"Now, do we have a Jason Cody? Who is charged for punching someone in the face?" Cantankerous shrieked.

My eyes moved onto the first idiot whose blonde hair was brighter than my fate. His brown eyes raised at Grumpy as slowly as his lips curled upwards.

"Present sir," Jason smirked.

"Huh, so much for a well-built athlete," Came the cloudy reply. "Maya Sen for arguing with a History teacher?"

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