#41: Personal Introduction?

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After Yale rejected me, it felt like I had a million other options to make a career. I still haven't told dad but I know I'd have to tell them when they come to our graduation tomorrow. I have one day to figure out how I'm subtly telling him to stop dreaming about sending me overseas for college. 

"Are you sure you don't need help with the arrangements?" I ask Brittney. 

She takes a left turn and I take a right turn in the corridor to our rooms. She shakes her head with a wink. "Miss Sen has everything arranged already. You've helped me enough with the gowns and caps. All you need to do now is show up tomorrow." 

The caps and gowns arrived late and the whole student body needed help with transporting and arranging for tomorrow's event. I spent most of the hours before lunch helping them out. After the tiring labor work, we had lunch on the lawn. Brittney and I walk up after coffee and that's when I realize the bin is missing from the morning and so is Julie. 

"No celebrations till the event is actually done," I hold crosscuts to her. 

She laughs, letting her head fall back. "Last two months have been pretty dramatic for you. You should write a book. It'd be a bestseller." 

I narrow my eyes. "I'll interview you when I'm writing your part." 

"Don't make me anonymous. Keep my name, I want to be known." She assures me.

"Yes ma'am, notes taken." I near my door as she nears her room. 

We laugh one last time and I hold the key card out until my door clicks. I walk inside and to my astonishment, I find a very odd set of members huddled in my room. I let the door close as I take confusing steps eyeing May on the edge of our bed, Liam rotating on the black chair, Jason up on the vanity table, swinging his legs, Jacob sitting on the floor with his legs crossed and arms resting on his knees and Julie, standing right in front of me across the study table. 

I turn back and confirm the door and the key card in my hand. "Have I opened the door to a parallel universe?" 

"Bella," Liam shakes his head, alarming me that this was the wrong time for sarcasm. 

I try hiding it but my lips curl and I snort, "Sorry," I slap my mouth and nod at him. "How are you all enjoying the silence?" 

"We're waiting for Austin," Julie tells me.

"He left you here? All alone?" My eyes glint with confidence. Julie looks around and straightens up. I walk toward her, pushing the key card into my back pocket. "You do realize you're inside a room with all the people you've signed death sentences with, right?" 

She gulps but her eyes hide all her fear. "I do not know what you're talking about." 

Jason clears his throat and I catch him hiding a smirk. "Funnily, I had a dream two nights ago. It looked very similar to this scene right now. In the end, there was one person who didn't make it out." He pouted at Julie.  

My eyes beamed at him, "Oh, my god, I had the exact same dream." 

He laughs in surprise, "Really?" 

"No," I stop smiling, "But I could've had that dream." 

I walk close to Julie with a straight face. My eyes stare at her blonde curls and the first thought coming into my head was dying her entire hair black. Or bringing a razor and balding her head, shaving off every single strand of those waves. 

"You're having murderous thoughts." She tells me as she studies my eyes. 

My lips twitch, "Impressive, you can read minds," I see her taking a small step away from me, and my smile breaks into a grin. "They're just thoughts, for now, you can relax." 

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