#28: Access Granted.

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I watched them exult and rejoice from afar. Liam and Jason had run up to Austin shoving the phone screen in his face. With great difficulty, he grabbed the phone from a jumping Liam and stared at it for a whole minute. The next second his eyes lifted up to me. I was already grinning, feeling on top of the world because he'd actually made it to Revenna with the scholarships.

I was proud of all of them. They planned this for so long, to go to college together and continue to play football as they choose their different career paths.

Aiden was the next one to rush towards them, followed by the other seniors who were in the alley. I could barely see Liam, Jason, and Austin amidst the chaotic screaming and cheering. May walked toward me, taking frequent glances at the boys celebrating the approval.

May threw her arms around my neck and we both silently hugged for a while. As we broke our hug, I realized Julie and Grace were still right there. I smile at both of them because speaking anything right now would just make things more awkward.

"Wait, wait," I heard Liam mutter as they broke out of the huddle. His eyes scanned the alley until he spot May and me. "Unbelievable right?" He screamed jogging in our direction.

"No, I always knew the three of you would get in, come on," May waved her hand as Lee neared us.

He glanced at me and I scrunched myself. "It is a little hard to believe though--"

"Shut up," Liam rolled his eyes at me.

He wrapped both his arms engulfing May and me together in the hug. I suddenly felt two more arms surround us and we were practically inside a bear hug by gigantic men. It took a while to break that hug. Name a moment that is more heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same, I'll wait.

It was finally happening. May will be in Julliard in a month. The boys are going to Italy and I'm still unsure where I was going to go. But one thing was definite, every one of us was leaving home. Every one of us was going away from Frankfurt for college and there's no sugarcoating that.

"The only thing that I still can't digest is the fact that we'll be attending college together," Jason said smacking Austin's and Liam's backs at the same time.

Liam was grinning and jumping so much, his happiness was radiating even through his silent actions. Austin however still looked puzzled and confused. He was smiling but the moment his eyes met mine, his smile would halter. I hated having that effect on him. I don't want to become a deterrent to his happiness.

I decide to hug him because he doesn't look okay and he himself isn't coming ahead. But as I take a step, I see Julie swinging her arms around his neck. I immediately freeze in my place and for some reason, I instantly look away. Jason side hugs me and I try to pay attention to the campus details he's telling Grace, May, and Liam but my ears focus on what I'm looking away from.

"Congratulations, Austin." Julie chirps and I get the same image of her and Austin that I shouldn't be entertaining. "What happened? You seem oddly unhappy."

I hear Austin laugh and I'd bet anything that he's scratching his neck. "No, I'm happy. Thank you, Julie."

Julie groans in annoyance. "Come on, Austin. I can see it's bothering you. Talk to her about it. I'm sure you both can work out long distance."

It's sweet of her from a third person's perspective but I don't like her telling him what to do in matters that are regarding me. I gulp to stop my chest from feeling so heavy. Grace raises her eyebrows at me and I clout a smile. I shake my head and shrug. I don't want to talk or I won't be able to eavesdrop on their conversation.

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