#43: Perfectly Blue.

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*Caution: Mature Content*



He chose silence and ignorance as his weapons for the rest of the ride to the lakehouse. All those nonsensical things flowing out of my mouth earned me one glance. He got out of the car and locked it with a beep without taking me into regard. I nearly stumbled out of my seat and sprinted toward him, in my best effort to match his pace. 

"This is beyond childish, Austin," I rant as I approach him unlocking the door with his fingerprint. "You need to give me the benefit of the doubt and stop acting like a twelve-year-old." 

His eyes snap at me and I immediately fold my lips. His eyes crease when he narrows them to slits and says with gritted teeth, "I'm a barbie girl, in a barbie world." He waits for the robot voice to greet him but it says 'ACCESS DENIED' after ten seconds. I try my best to hold back my fits of laughter when he closes his eyes and turns to the machine. He says it louder and more clearly again. 

'ACCESS GRANTED. HELLO, AUSTIN COOPER,' the machine beeps and the door unlocks. 

He opens the door and waits for me to step inside without seeing my way. I walk inside and he follows me. The royalness of this house hits me with its scent. I take a deep breath as I wrap my arms around myself and let the house intoxicate me completely. 

The door behind me shuts and Austin purposely knocks on my shoulder as he walks past me. I stop a smile urging at the corners of my lips and hold his arm, stopping him from storming off.  I turn him around, oversight his grunt, and make him face me. 

I pull him down by his collar and kiss the corner of his lips, "You're my favorite person, Austin Cooper." 

His eyes stare challengingly at me and I see him controlling his want to smile. He gulps before looking away and rolling his eyes. I scoff at his ego-fueled personality. I push him by his chest until he falls on the couch, looking surprised. I wrap my legs on either side of him and sit on his lap. 

"What is your problem?" I whisper clutching a handful portion of his hair in my palms and making him look at me. 

His jaw clicked and rage flashed in his eyes, "I am so mad at you." He grunts and I loosen the hold I have on his hair. 

"I did not have a choice, Austin," I mutter back and he looked away, sighing. "I didn't know what she was capable of doing, I didn't want to risk--" 

"You shouldn't have kissed him." He snapped immediately. 

"It was a bluff, and it worked." 

"He is in love with you, it wasn't a bluff for him." 

"He was helping, Austin." 

He laughed at my sentence, not meeting my gaze again. Unknowingly, my hand slipped down from his hair to his chest. He was looking everywhere and I know what I did broke his heart. 

"You kissed Julie too, Austin." I point out. 

He scoffed a chuckle and turned to me. "When you loudly announced you're coming to use the restroom, she staged that kiss so you could walk into it. I pulled back in less than two seconds but you'd already seen it. If you knew me enough, you'd know I would never do that." 

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