#35: Sick Games.

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"Are you kidding me?" I scowl. 

She calmly shakes her head. "I might have signed and accepted their scholarships too. You see, I despised the recycle bin for a long time and I have my reasons. But this is not me holding grudges. I remember facts and I want a clean slate before college." 

My palm hits my forehead. "Well, if you have a problem you need to communicate and sort it out, Julie. You cannot do this. This is insane. This is really crazy. You cannot blackmail and take revenge for things that happened four years ago. People aren't always nice to you but that's life. You cannot hold stakes like this just to get your slate wiped clean." 

She gestures to the box at the far end of the room and hands me a single key. It looks like a locker. "You can keep the files in there."

I look down at May's file clutched against my chest. "What makes you think I'll trust you with these again?" 

"I know what I'm doing. Also, I don't think you have much of a choice. You obviously can't take it outside and I'm not allowing you to go out of the hall. Guards are positioned everywhere. Take the key and drop the files in them. Cut me some slack, I'm letting you keep the key for god's sake." She tosses the key to me and I catch it. I drop May's file in the glass locker and lock it immediately. The key slips right into my pocket. 

I see a shift of emotions on her face. Her molars are grinding so hard, that I can hear her grunting. Her heels perfectly clatter as she approaches me. "Jason Cody or Liam Davis?" 

No, this cannot be solved with words. At the moment, she's evidently powerful and the more I'm talking the more I'm risking losing everything that's at peril. It would be stupid of me to fight back now. I need to secure everything before I fight her. 

"Liam," I butter out, hating myself. 

Julie clears her throat. "Get him to delete his Instagram and YouTube accounts. I need proof so you might want to bring his phone and show it to me. His phone has a dark green phone case and a black wallpaper." 

I laugh, "He would never delete his accounts, Julie. He has thousands of subscribers."

She gives me a smile that says she knows it too. "But wouldn't he delete it even for his college scholarship? I know how his phone looks so please don't risk it all by trying to outplay me." 

"How do you know what his phone looks like?" My eyes narrow into slits. 

"I hacked into it," she shrugged. I gasped but that didn't seem new to her. "I would've deleted the accounts myself, except he's put a triple locking system that I cannot crack. Well, not yet. And I lack time, so here you are doing it for me." 

She talks like someone who is well versed in technology but her eyes hide a weakness. Just as she said it, she isn't familiar with the terms of it, yet. When she taps on the watch in her hand and gestures the stopwatch through her phone, I walk out of the curtains. 

I don't have to get Liam to delete his accounts, I just have to deactivate them. They need to disappear for a while until Julie completely believes she's gotten under my skin. I see him talking with Austin and Jacob. I walk toward them and tug on his arm. 

I hide my frown with a gulp and smile widely at Austin. I wink, trying to ease whatever struck up Austin's face to make him look at me with worry. I continue staring at him until I'm far enough from them and not audible. 

"Mia finally turned up and guess what was the first thing she asked me." Liam smiles in mockery. 

"Did she ask for me?" I casually take my first guess.

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