#47: Bye-Bye-Bin.

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I finished bidding the team and everyone in the room goodbye by the time Liam finally managed to convince May. He carried her out of the party with Jason and Austin following him. Austin eyed me and beckoned me to come. I nodded, holding the blue bag and a big bouquet of red roses in my hand on my way out. 

"Bella," I turn around and see Carter following me. "I just--" His eyes connected with mine for a second and he hugged me over the bouquet and the bag. I look surprised. "I just wanted to say that I pegged you for someone with a lot of sass and attitude but you turned out to be the exact opposite person and I can't thank you enough for that."

I let out a soft laugh. "I should've socialized sooner." 

He laughs too. "I'm sad that I couldn't get to know you so well, but I have a feeling that we'll see each other around in the future." 

I punch his shoulder with my free hand. "It's a small world. I'm sure I'll see you around."  

There's a switch of emotions as his eyes change shades. He decides to nod and use his pursed smile as a signifying end to our conversation. He gave me a soft salute as he walked off. 

I get into the adjacent elevator and travel all the way to my floor, counting the remaining hours I have left. It's approximately five but I'd want to average it out to 6 in my head. Five feels too less. I walk inside my room and find it empty. They're on the top floor. I put the roses and the bag on the table and walk out without changing. I can't waste time doing stupid things. I lock the door and hurry to Austin's room. I already hear the voices. I knock three times. Jason opens the door and I walk in. May was crying more than she was downstairs. 

I sigh, almost helpless more than depressed. She was on the bed, besides Liam, dabbing her face with tissues only to cry out more. I glance at Austin sitting at the table and Jason sitting on the chair in front of Austin. 

I glance at my watch. "May, I could still back out--"

She turns to me with her eyes showing astonishment. "What--What is she?" She asks Liam and then turns back to me. "Why would you let me decide your future? No, for god's sake, don't you dare take decisions basing them on me."

"Tell me what would make you stop crying," I go to the foot of the bed and kneel down so she could see me. "Tell me what I can do to make you feel better, because I, for once, have become numb. I can't understand anything happening around me. It's like I'm in trance, I haven't even let this absorb in and I have like," I glance at my watch again and scoff a laugh, "Exactly five hours left." 

She looks at me and more tears dwell in her eyes. Seeing her cry is so contagious, that I hide my face on the bed before she sees my tears. "Nothing," I feel her hand pat my head. "Just let me cry it out. Let me feel it all because allowing it to come hit me in parts, hurts more than allowing it to consume me once and for all." 

I look up and wipe my tear as I rest my chin on the back of my palm. "I can't even think about anything, my mind is just blank." 

"I won't ever get to sleep over in your house again," she sobs. "The last time we did that was when Noah incident happened. It feels like an eternity alone. What if I want to eat food on your table or play video games in your house?" 

Liam scoffs falling on his back and sleeping on the bed. "You never played video games in her house." 

I laugh along with Jason and Austin but May whines as she grabs a pillow and smacks it on Liam's face. He yells but it ends in laughter too. 

Jason walks up and plops behind May, sleeping on the pillows. Austin walks up and sits in front of the bed, beside me. Hugging his knees casually and eyeing my neck. I quickly adjust my hair and he smiles more, looking away. 

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