#15: Forever & Evermore.

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I'll let you into my soul, but wipe your feet at the door.
- Atticus



"Holy shit," May exclaims as she slurps the last drops of Austin's cold coffee. "This is so good, why haven't I ever tried this before?" 

I snort. "Because of your pretentious allergy to whipped cream?" 

She shakes the empty cold coffee and eyes it from the bottom, hopeful of some more drops. She's always pretended to be allergic to whipped cream. Not the medical kind, the kind of allergic I am to mint. Self-diagnosed. I've always told her not to take it off from pastries, cupcakes, pancakes, and a million other things that are topped with whipped cream. 

She has her presumptuous perception about whipped cream after our Biology teacher told us how much sugar it contains. She apparently turned into a 'health freak' and decided not to consume it. The best excuse to make people stop feeding her was coming up with a self-prescribed allergy, she never had it in the first place. 

"In my defense," she pouts as she rests the cold coffee in the trash. "I do have allergic reactions which get triggered after a couple of hours." 

I glance at my untouched cold coffee. I know I took both the cups but I also know how much he loves them. So I decided to give him mine. "Fine, then stay over and I'll treat them." 

She looks away immediately. I narrow my eyes as I watch her thinking up the faster excuse. I lift my legs and lean on the wall that's backing the kitchen countertop. We were in Austin's house, and the guys seemed to have taken a detour because it was nearly 12 am and they still haven't come back. 

I stopped worrying when Jason texted me everything was okay and they aren't with Jacob anymore. As long as Jacob and Austin have a self-imposed restraining order, the world is happy and safe. 

Aiden had just shut down the party and sent everyone home. Only Steven and a few other staff were staying over so they could help Aiden clean the house. I decided to sit this one out. May, on the other hand, got excited at the thought of cleaning. She volunteered to help Aiden out and I made it clear that she can't put this on her resume. 

"My mother would kill me. I've hardly slept at home this entire week. And you know, my mother isn't conventional. She believes in decency and discipline." May said as she picked up her bag. 

She was looking awfully adorable in my clothes. It was too baggy and she almost drowned in them. But that was the whole point. I loved how she was so sportive about this. 

"I'm guessing she hasn't met Ethan yet?" I smirk. 

May forces her palms on my hand, attempting to stop talking. I laugh as I dodge it. "No, she doesn't know I have a boyfriend so please keep your mouth shut." 

I gasped. "What happened to all the decency and discipline classes you took?" 

May rolled her eyes and tugged on her bag. She tilted her head and I know she was going to do something cringy. I braced myself as she held both my cheek and kissed me on my cheeks. I scrunched my face, waiting for her long kiss to fade. 

"You sure you're okay? I don't want you to pretend you are just because I'll get worried." She smoothed my hair. 

I nod. "I really am. He doesn't affect me anymore." I tell her the truth because someone else is affecting me a lot more than they should. I see her unhappy with my answer. Her face is so doubtful, that she can't hide it under any mask. "You don't believe me." 

She sighs, whining. "It's good that it's not affecting you. I'm really happy, trust me--"

"But what?" I ask, leaning my head against the wall. 

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