#31: Vanilla Sunrise.

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"Izz?" I hear his voice in a sheer whisper. I shift under his duvet and pull it closer to my neck. He laughs. "Izz, wake up," I feel his lips brush against my cheeks. 

I take a long breath and his scent fills me. The fresh ocean that he's brought along with him. My lips curl and I flutter my eyes open. "Good morning," he says with a soft smile. 

"Morning," I smile more as my eyes focus on him, 

Everything still looks dark and cold. But his blue eyes are the same. He leans down and kisses my lips for a brief second. When I sense him pulling himself back I frown. I clasp his shirt in my palms and pull him to me. 

He rejoins our lips. This time when he kisses me, he doesn't pull away quickly. He takes his own sweet time. He tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear and he kisses my forehead. "Come on, we'll miss it if we're late." 

He makes me sit and I'm still taking the view of his darkroom. It's exactly the way it looked before we cuddled on his bed and dozed off. He walks to his closet and pulls on his light grey jacket. He tosses it over to me. More precisely, he throws it at my face and I'm not awake enough to stop it. He's wearing a dark blue shirt and black sweats himself. I slip his jacket on and crawl out of his bed. 

"You said good morning but why does everything still look dark?" I asked as I climbed down the stairs. 

He walks around the kitchen counter holding two black mugs. He hands me one and my palms welcome the warmth from around the mug. I smell caffeine and fervor emit and seep through to my hands. 

"That's because it's not morning, yet." He slowly clinks our mugs together. "I should've said good dawn, my bad." 

I frown looking at our mugs and then at him. My jaw tightens. "Austin, what's the time?" 

He walks into the living room and glances at the wall clock. "It's 05:47 am," he says casually. 

I grunt as I walk near him. "You know I'm not a morning person. Why would you wake me up at 05:47 am?" 

He looks so fresh and awake, I almost wonder if he even slept last night. He looks like he's already done a lot of work and he's so pumped up, he's my exact opposite in the mornings. 

"Not even a dawn person?" He narrowed his eyes. I close my eyes in annoyance and I hear him snort a laugh. "I want to show you something, come on." 

He takes my hand and we walk out of his door. He nudges me to wear the flip-flops that are aimlessly lying under the shoe rack. I slip them on and the door closes as we walk out of it. 

"Holy shit, it's so cold," I gasp.

"It's not been one second and you're already complaining." He groans. 

"You said you love me the way I am." I remind him of the words he told me last night. 

He scoffs. "Right now, it's more like I tolerate the way you are." He snorts, stopping a chuckle when he sees me glare at him. "Tolerate, love, it's the same thing."

I narrow my eyes at him. I pull my hand out of his clasp and bring it to the hot coffee mug. I use the mug as a heater and absorb all the heat from it. I exhale, seeing my hands gain back the color they just lost. 

I see him look disappointed in me. "Charming," he says sliding his empty hand inside his pockets. 

I scoff. "I appreciate it that you were being cute but it's barely 10 degrees and the mug is hotter than you." 

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