#9: Dressing Wounds.

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In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.
- Robert Frost

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"Austin, I think the wounds need medical attention." I hear my dad's voice coated with anguish.

I feel a discharging pain shoot through my left arm. I try moving my fingers and I am alleviated that I can. I try freeing my elbow and my hand moves too. My hands feel the new warmth of someone else's palms.

I feel a ring on the hand that holds mine. I sense it clings onto the person's ring finger. I know it's my father's hands now. His other hand rubs the back of my palms, warming me up.

"No, Mr. Cosmo, the cut isn't deep. She's lost blood but the cut is on the surface of her skin." His voice fills my ears and runs deep inside my body.

A sudden relief engulfs me as soon as I hear Austin's voice. For some reason, I know that if he's here, everything's going to be okay. I can hear the chaos. I can hear muffled voices. I can sense the presence of people around me. But his voice alone is calming everything down.

"Where did you learn how to dress wounds?" It's May's voice. It's awfully close to my ear so I know she's seated nearby.

"Football." Liam's voice resonates with Austin's.

I feel a hand tug on my arm and I wince. The pain erupts and it's spreading across my shoulders. I scrunch my eyebrows but I still don't open my eyes. I'm too weak to even open my eyes and understand what's going on.

"Austin, I think she's in pain." Jason almost yells. "Stop doing it."

"Yeah, I'm almost done," Austin assures and I trust him because it really stings. He lifts my hand and exerts pressure on the wound. My eyes snap open as I flinch. "Izz, I'm almost done."

"It hurts." I groan closing my eyes again.

"I know, stay with me, I just need to tape it now." He tells me and I nod, folding my lips and scrunching my eyes as he dresses my arm. "One more minute," he sings along.

I turn my head to the other side and another pain starts to prick from the left side of my neck. It doesn't ache as much as my arm but it still pains because it's at a sensitive spot. I try touching my neck, but I realize my knuckles are sore too.

My body is so dysfunctional at this moment, that it makes me furious to punch something again.

"Do you think she can play? Season Finals is in 10 days." My dad asks aloud and I know who he's asking.

I hear Austin say, "she'll recover--"

"I'm playing no matter what," I answer him as I bury my head inside the cushions of what seems like my couch.

I hear the loud sound of the tape and I know it's done. I gasp as I lay on my back, returning to my previous position. My eyes are completely open. I take a few breaths before I slowly get up. Now that I'm moving so much, I know I'll recover in three days tops.

Dad helps me sit as he holds my arm. Austin holds my other arm. I smile at May when she places cushions behind my back as I turn around and sit up straight. My body is physically exhausted but only three places burn with pain. Liam hands me water and I gladly sip on it. My head falls back on the headrest of the couch.

"How do you feel?" my father asks me.

I smile at him. Seeing me smile, his face relaxes. He pulls the coffee table and sits on it as he faces me. He takes my hands in his and continues to warm them up. I nod at him, assuring him that I'm fine.

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