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s o m e t i m e — 4 years ago


Partying has become less of a celebration and more of a solution to life's problems. 

We don't wait for events to party to anymore. We party and then form events (excuses) to cover the guilt. Victory in mathletes? Party. Breakups or betrayals? Party. A long weekend holiday? Party. Saturday? Party. 

Therefore, the first win of the Frankfurt High football championship when three out of four Recycle Bin boys are involved calls for a massive fete. 

Jacob Miles's house is the heartthrob's hotspot of the school because his parents are mostly out and he has no annoying siblings (no offense to Aiden Cooper). But especially since freshmen students are not allowed to drink alcohol, and because the heartthrob is my boyfriend, we are an exception to the rules.

I know, I know, I said boyfriend. Like since when does Isabella Nicole Cosmo need a boy? Well, I sure am human and humans sure make mistakes. No one's perfect. 

"Please tell me you're drinking lemonade?" May cooed as she narrowed her eyes on the drink in my hand and then my lying eyes.

"It's a party, May. You can take a--"

"Why is it so hard for you idiots to abide by the rules? We're fifteen and lemonade would drag you to trance just fine." She folded her arms in annoyance.

If it isn't obvious already, May loves rules more than herself. 

"It's a mimosa, and, I don't get drunk." I smiled very approvingly.

I feel a chuckle and then a hand wraps around my shoulders. "You my love may be an exception to a lot of things but I don't think intoxication falls under that category." 

I roll my eyes at Jacob before clinking my glass with his and doing a bottoms-up. He sighs in defeat and does the same. 

We're both alarmed by May's groaning. "You know, Taylor should write about this side of your discipline in the school magazine too. The articles are such a facade to the rest of the students reading your 5-am-training-routine." 

Jacob's forehead touches my shoulder as both of us laugh. The whole world knows I'm not a morning person by now. Taylor loves exaggerating and I still haven't learned to say no. We're both working on our issues. 

May scoffs looking at his living room that's now a high school mess. "Jacob, I still don't approve of your house parties."

"Then why are you here?" Jake responds so quickly, I elbow his stomach to stop him from throwing shade at May. He winces and then looks around. His antique-themed brown house is littered with a shade of high school mess. May and I follow his gaze. 

"Do you guys have any idea of long it would take to clean this mess? Your house looks terrible." Panic is evident on May's face. 

"Huh, at least the red cups match?" I shrug at them before Jake bursts out laughing at the same time May grunts in agony. 

The only thing I like in Jacob's house is his dog. Wolfie the beagle is the perfect addition to his brown-themed house that makes it a home. We all love Wolfie. And Wolfie loves one person alone. 

"Okay, control button, excuse my girlfriend and me from your OCD explosion for a while." Jake almost yells it to May as we're halfway up the stairs. 

It's then that I observe how intoxicated my boyfriend is. I steady him three times in the tenure of our twenty-five stairs climb up to his room. We enter his room, he kicks the door shut, and I hear the locks turn before a familiar fear wraps around my conscience. 

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