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      Once you stepped into the building all the staff members greeted Felix and Chan and looked kind of confused when they saw you but still greeted you. 

You got in the elevator with Chan and Felix.

 "Oh just as a heads up the members can be a bit hyper so if they start to annoy you I'm sorry" Chan said. 

"Hahahah it's okay, I used to baby sit. I think I will be able to handle it. Hopefully" You said laughing a bit. You were always good with kids, but these are well... not toddlers. 

"Alright, don't say I didn't warn you" Chan said while chuckling. You got off the elevator and walked towards what you assumed was a practice room. You heard some very faint music playing. 

"I guess they beat us to practice" Felix said as he ran to the door and burst through.

 "GUYS WE BROUGHT A FRIEND!!!!!" You heard Felix yell into the room, that made you oddly nervous. You could hear the guys cheering at the news.

 You kind of just stood there until Chan snapped you out of it. 

 "Y/n come on, no need to be nervous. They are kind of stupid so you don't need to worry about them" He said as he looked towards the practice room with a loving gaze as if all the most important people in the world to him were in that room. He turned back to you with a dopey smile.

 "Let's go" He said as he grabbed your hand.

You walked into the room and immediately felt 6 pairs of eyes on you. They kind of scared you until one of them who looked a bit like a puppy ran up to you and tackled you into a hug. 

 "HI! I'm Seungmin. It's nice to meet you" He said with a huge smile.

 "Hyung she is so cute!" The rest of them came up and gave you a surprising group hug and all introduced themselves. You learned all their names, the age order, and group position. To your surprise they could all speak basic English. It was a bit broken at times but they were doing pretty good.

You stayed and watched them practice and wow they were so talented. You ended up staying the whole practice, they didn't mind. When they took breaks you would go refill their bottles for them and got to know them a bit better.

You had just went out of the practice room to refill Han and Hyunjins bottle for them. You had left the door open a crack so you could get back into the practice room easily. Walking back you heard them talking and they mentioned your name so you stopped to listen. You knew it wasn't nice to eavesdrop but you just couldn't help yourself.

"Y/n is adorable and so helpful" You heard one of them say your name in a sentence, it may have been Lee Know but you couldn't tell too much. 

 "Do you like her hyung?" I.N. said. 

 "She will be coming back anytime now don't ask me that kind of question" Felix replied to I.N. He didn't sound mad, it sounded more like a warning. 'I wonder what they are talking about'

 You walked back into the room "Here you go" you said handing Han and Hyunjin their water bottles.

 "Thank you" both of them said. 

"Okay guys good practice but its getting pretty late" Chan said. It was now 2:30am and you had passed out on the couch. 

"Y/n" Felix said trying to wake you up gently.

 "Y/N TIME TO WAKE UP!!!" Han said as he ran over to where you were sleeping and picked you up and started spinning with you in his arms, bridal style. You were just laughing because you had just woken up and was not exactly conscious.

"Ok ok ok ok I'm awake you can put me down now" You said as he still held you, thankfully not spinning anymore.

 "Nope. Felix I'm going to kidnap your girlfriend now" Han said laughing his head off because Felix was giving him the stink eye mouthing I'm going to kill you. You had no idea what was happening. You were facing away from Felix so you couldn't see.

"Ok ok sorry" Han said as he placed you back down.

 You hadn't realized how dizzy you were until he put you down. You stumbled a bit and fell to the ground. Felix ran to your side and started asking you a bunch of questions. Your world was still kind of spinning so you couldn't really focus or make out words, so you just stuck your finger out and placed it on his lips telling him to shut up for a second.

 'Damn his lips were soft'. His eyes almost bugged out of his head with the unexpected action of you touching his lips.

 "Sorry my head was spinning and that was the only way I could get you to stop talking for a sec, but I'm okay now" You said smiling at him. The worried look on his face you found cute. He smiled right back.

"Sorry Y/n I didn't realize you would get so dizzy" Han said bowing a bit. 

 "It is really all good, please don't worry" 

"Okay guys let's get going back to the dorms it's late" Chan said, he really is the father of the group.

 "I'm going to walk Y/n back to the hotel because I'll then just stay with my family. This way she gets home safe" Felix said earning some kissy faces from Changbin.

 "Ok bye!" The rest of the members said to you too as they walked out of the practice room.


You and Felix left the JYP building and started walking back to the hotel. Luckily for you guys it was only about a 10 min walk.

 "I'm sorry about the guys" He said 

 "No no don't be sorry I actually really like all the guys. They are fun. Plus you guys are all incredibly talented... and attractive" you mumbled the last part but obviously not enough because he started to chuckle a bit. 

"I promise none of us will take offence but at the moment who is your bias?" he asked.

 "You" You said a little too fast and confidently.

 "Really?" he asked a bit surprised.

 "Well maybe Han, but right now you are in the lead" You said laughing a bit. The walk to the hotel was filled with small talk and comfortable silence. 

You guys got to your floor and you watched him walk up to his family's door a bit hesitant to knock probably because it's 3am and doesn't want to wake them up. 

 "Do you want to stay in my room? It's such a big space for one person honestly" You asked him. he looked a bit unsure but nodded his head. 

 "Thank you" He said.

You guys got into your suite.

 "Are you wanting to go to sleep right away or would you like to watch something on the tv?" You asked him you honestly didn't mind either way you would be passing out. 

 "Is it okay if I watch some tv first?"

 "Yep I will probably pass out on the couch anyways but I'll try and watch some with you" You said.

 You hopped towards the couch he then followed you and handed him the remote. He found something to watch but before you knew it you had fallen asleep with your head in his lap you aren't really sure how you got into that position but you didn't mind. It was comfortable, it feels like he is stroking your hair but you aren't sure.

Fallen Out Of Your League [Felix x y/n]Where stories live. Discover now