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"Ok we will be back in a bit" Chan said before you all walked out of the studio and out of the building.

Before you left you all put on masks. On the way to the café you would see your guys reflections in the store glass. 'The clothes I have on kind of make me look like a manager' you were wearing your comfy/lazy day clothes.

"Y/n" Chan's voice grabbed your attention. You turned your head to now face him and Han, still being careful to not trip or hit anything while walking.

"Felix- Well, I-" He struggled to find the right words.

"If you are worried that I am going to use him, I promise you I'm not ever going to" You said, not wavering with your words.

"I don't think that's what he is worried about" Han said.

"I think we are all worried about you breaking his heart" He said blatantly. You were going to say that you won't hurt him and do whatever it takes, but you knew that you couldn't promise anything like that. After all, this will only last a couple more weeks, then you fly back to Australia.

"I can't promise that, and we all know why. But if I do break his heart it wont be without breaking mine too. Maybe even worse than his..." You said looking at your feet.

Before either could respond you were at the café. You all walked in, the smell of the baked goods slipping through the mask. You waited with Han at a table while Chan went to order.

"How are you not scared" Han said looking you dead in the eyes. "You are so confident with what you say, and the way you act around Felix you make it seem like nothing could go wrong"

"I am scared. Every time I go out with any of you I get scared that someone will see us. That I will cause you guys another scandal. But when I see Felix, all that anxiety disappears. As soon as he's gone though, all the negative thoughts come back to me. I think of how selfish I acted, putting my feelings before all of your jobs" 'crap that sounds so cheesy' looking over to Han you could see his smirk through the mask.

"You really like each other" He said standing up to go over to Chan who just got the drinks.

"Let's go" Chan said. Han held open the door for you and Chan.

The walk back was pretty quiet, Han and Chan sometimes talking to each other in Korean. The walk is short so in no time you were back to the JYP building.

You walked into the practice room but they were too absorbed in the dance to pay attention to you guys. You took a seat and waited for them to finish the song. Chan and Han had given you the 4 drinks and left to go back to the dorm.

The song came to an end, all of them out of breath and going to their water bottles.

"I'm back and I have brought the coffee" You announced to the 3 and all of their heads snapped your direction. You walked over to give it to them.

"THANK YOU SO MUCH" Hyunjin said snatching one of the drinks.

"Thanks" Felix and Minho both said graciously taking the drinks.

"What happened to Jisung and Chan?" Minho asked.

"They left to go back to the dorm" You said as Minho nodded his head.

"OKAY! Back to practice guysssssssssssssss" Felix said, coffee already kicking in. They went back to figuring out the choreography. Nearing 5 hours their choreographer came in to see their progress. He praised them all and then left.

"Okay, Y/n we can go now" Felix said while they all packed up their stuff.

"Do you mind if we go to our dorm, I need to shower and get changed" Felix asked, still sounding a little sorry for having to bring you around and do "Uninteresting" things.

Fallen Out Of Your League [Felix x y/n]Where stories live. Discover now