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*2 week later (22 days out of 31 days. 9 more days left till you have to fly back to Australia)*

Y/n Pov:

The past few weeks have been going really well you had gone on two more dates, one was just a stay in and watch Netflix and cuddle. And the other you went out for a walk at Han River. You would try and see each other as much as possible, even if it was just him coming over after work, or you going over to the dorm. 

You had talked about what you will do when you have to go back to Australia and you guys said that you would do a long distance. When he would have breaks he would come and visit you and his family. And if you ever got the chance you would try to come out to Korea.

It was noon and you are walking over to the cafe from the JYP building to get all the guys a coffee, they had treated you so many times before so you thought you could repay them just a bit with a coffee.

You were 2 blocks away from the cafe when someone grabbed you by the wrist and pulled you into a barren alleyway.

"What do you think you are doing" This random girl said as her nails dug into your wrists pinning you on a cold brick wall.

"Uhh-" You tried to form a sentence but she cut you off before you could start.

"Don't uhh me you whore" She said nails digging deeper. Close to drawing blood. You opened your mouth to yell for help but she cut you off again.

"I wouldn't call for help if I were you. I have pictures of you and Felix together. Kissing at the beach, holding hands at Han River, and even you and Han together at the coffee shop not far from here." Her nails kept digging in but her words distracted you from the pain. You tried to get out of her grip but she was too strong. 

"Please- Please don't post those pictures. I'll do anything, just- just don't ruin his career please" You pleaded. If she posted those photos it would go viral. Word would get around so quickly you probably wouldn't be able to make it back to Felix fast enough. 

"Good that's just what I wanted to here. I want you to break up with him. Tell him you don't like him anymore. Break his heart, make him absolutely hate you. You aren't allowed to tell anyone this, if you do I will know. And if you don't do as I say I will also know and I will post these for all to see. I can destroy his career in the click of a button. Your relationship would be all over dispatch in a couple of seconds" Her threat brought tears to your eyes. Her nails were becoming unbearable. But all you could think about is Felix. How if you told him that it would hurt him so much. But you weren't going to put his career at stake for a stupid nobody. 'I might never get over him but he will be able to get over me, I would be selfish to put my feelings first' 

"Okay, I'll do it I promise just please. Don't show anybody those pictures" You said your voice breaking as your tears fell down your face.

"Good" She said letting go of your wrists and backing away from you.

"Bye bye slut, I hope I never see your ugly face again" She said turning on her heal and walking away from you.

"Y/n? What are you doing in an alley... Oh my gosh are you ok!?" Chan said. As he approached you he saw the tears that were falling down your face onto the pavement, and the crescent shaped cuts on your wrists. He walked over to you faster with a worried look on his face.

"Get away from me" You said in the harshest tone you could and walked past him body checking him in the way. If you were going to cut ties with Felix you were going to have to cut ties with all of them. 

Fallen Out Of Your League [Felix x y/n]Where stories live. Discover now