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        We had been in the elevator for quite some time now. I have gotten to learn lots of stuff about Lee Felix. Like how his favorite color is yellow, he has a 3rd degree black belt in taekwondo, can make a mosquito noise with his mouth and its oddly cute when he does it, and that he isn't actually staying in the hotel, it's his family from Australia that has come to visit him.

 I think we have been stuck for about and hour and a half. At this point we were both sitting on the floor. I was siting in the corner with my head against the wall, he has his back laid against the wall beside me. All of a sudden the staff that we were talking to before contacted us saying it would be another hour before help would get here. We both sighed. 

 It was getting late and you had a bit of jet lag. You felt your eyes get heavy, you kept shifting around because sleeping against the wall was rather uncomfortable. 

"Are you getting tired?" Felix asked. You just nodded your head in response. He scooched closer to you.

 "Would you like to rest your head on my shoulder? Sleeping on the wall isn't good for your neck" 

"Thank you" He's handsome, funny, cute but hot at the same time and, he is caring. You put your head on his shoulder and almost passed out immediately. 'Damn he smells good' you thought as you fell asleep. 

"Hey" you felt your body get lightly shook. 

"Help is here you should wake up" He shook you one more time.

 "Oh, good" You said rubbing your eyes a bit.

 "How long was I asleep for"

 "I think about 45 minutes" You nodded again. You saw the doors getting pried open.

 "Is everyone ok in there?" The staff asked. Thank goodness that she could speak English.

"Yes, thank you for getting us out" You said smiling at the staff member who was obviously nervous. Maybe she thought we would sue them or something. 

"Of course, and as an apology for putting you two in this situation we will have gift baskets at your door tomorrow morning" She said. I swear she looked at Felix and batted her eyelashes a bit more than normal. 

Felix and you both got in the second elevator as the other one had to be repaired a bit. You both got off at the same floor. 

 "It was really nice to meet you, probably one of the best strangers to be stuck in an elevator with" He said with a slight chuckle. 'Man could I get used to hearing that everyday'.

 "It was nice to meet you too, I hope I see you again." You smiled and started to walk to your suite.

 "OH wait! Can I have your number?" He said shouting a bit.

 "Sure!" You said as you skipped towards him.

 "Can I have your phone, I'll just put it directly into your phone" You said.  He handed his phone over to you. As you put your number into his phone you had a stupid smile on your face, you looked up to hand his phone back to him and he had the same stupid smile on his face. 

 "See you around" You said as you waved goodbye and skipped back over to your luggage and went into your suite. 

You opened the door and was in awe. It looked so luxurious and the view was incredible. You kind of just stood in the door way for a bit out of shock. Once you clicked back in you started to unpack all of your stuff. You put your clothes in the drawers and took a shower. You had just been on a plane so you felt a little icky.

After your shower you basically went straight into your queen size bed.

 "This is so comfortable" you dozed off right away.

 You woke up without an alarm because you planned the first day to just relax. You looked to the side to check the time and it was 10. You decided to get up and go on a walk to the café that you saw near by. Once you changed out of your PJs you opened the door and saw a basket sitting at your door. 'Oh right the gift baskets'. You brought the basket inside to reveal a bunch of fruit and chocolates. 

You hadn't eaten breakfast yet so it was the perfect thing. After eating some fruits you stepped back out of your suit and headed to the elevator. You pressed the button and as you waited for the elevator Felix came and joined you.

 "Fancy seeing you here" He said. 

"Where are you off to?" I asked.

 "First to the café that's near by then to work." 

"I was also going to go to the café, where do you work?"

 "Want to come with me and see?"


 "Yeah why not, we are friends now. Plus I can introduce you to my other friends. I think they will like you."

You got to the café and went to order your drinks.

 "You order first because I have to order for all of my friends, it was my turn today" He said, sulking a bit more towards the end. 

"Okay" "Hi, can I get (your favorite drink to get)" You said to the barista hoping she would understand your bad Korean.

 "Yes. Is that all?" She asked

 "Yep" You paid and moved out of the way. 'Now to hope and pray I said the right thing and my order isn't something way different.'  Yes you could have gotten Felix to order it for you but you thought you should at least try.

 "Hi can I get 8 iced americanos"  He said. 'EIGHT that's 7 people I am going to go meet.'  You thought. Your social anxiety kicking in just a bit.

"Yes. Is that all?" She asked making sure to be as cute as possible. 

She was obviously trying to flirt with him and he wasn't doing anything to stop it. But I mean why would he its not like we are out on a date. 'I got to pull myself together'. We got our orders thankfully you ordered the right thing and he lead the way to his work.

"Oiiiii FELIX" You heard an oddly familiar voice call out to Felix. You both turn back to see that same guy you met on the plane, Chan. 

"Y/n?" Chan asked looking confused. "How do you two know each other?" 

 "Oh we met on the plane" You said and went to explain how you know Chan and how you know Felix.

 "Me and Chan work together." Felix said. 'Ok that's one less new person I have to meet'

 "Oh and Chan I'm taking her with us to work because she was curious about what we do so I just said I would show her." 

"Are you sure you want to Felix, I mean I trust her. But her view of you could-"

"I'm sure Chan don't worry."

The three of you walked along until you got to the JYP building.

 "Here we are!" both Felix and Chan said in sync. 

"YOU GUYS WORK AT JYP" You whisper yelled.

 "Yeah" Felix said.

 "We are kind of famous so that's why we didn't tell you our jobs right away" 

 "Cool..." you said as your eyes glazed over just looking at the building.

 "Come on we can't just stand outside forever, we do have to actually get to work." Chan said as they lead you inside. All the people flirting with Felix makes more sense now.

Fallen Out Of Your League [Felix x y/n]Where stories live. Discover now