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You live in Sydney Australia and have graduated from high school but you decided to just work for a year or 2 before going into collage/university. You still weren't sure what you wanted to do, so you and your parents agreed that this would be the better option because they wanted you to be happy with the job you choose to pursue. You are 19 and live on your own in a little apartment. It's late spring early summer.

A little while ago you had entered a lottery for an all paid 1 month vacation to Seoul Korea. You had been waiting for almost 5 months, but you had not been contacted yet so you gave up on wishing to be the lucky winner. As you were getting ready for bed you thought to check your email before going to sleep.

As you scrolled through your inbox a certain email address caught your eye. You opened it and read.

"Dear y/n L/n, you have won the contest and we would like to invite you to come to Korea in 2 weeks. The vacation we are offering is an all paid one. Meaning, we will pay for the following: Flight there and back, hotel, and we will be giving you 2,000,000won (roughly $1,740 USD) for pocket money. You can do as you please with it."

"Oh my gosh... Oh- OH MY GOSH I GOT PICKED!!!" You found your fingers calling your best friend's number before you even thought about what you were doing.

The 2 weeks flew by so fast you were already smacking your alarm clock to shut up so you could get ready to leave for the airport in a couple hours. You took a shower and dried your hair. You did one last check that you had everything.

You got in a cab and headed to the airport. As you board the airplane you only now realize that your plane ticket was for the business class seats. You had never sat in any other class than economy so you were now even more excited.

You check your ticket and fortunately you got the window seat. No one had sat in the aisle seat yet so it was easy for you to sit down and get comfortable. The chairs were so comfortable you couldn't believe it.

You hadn't realized but you let out an "ahhh" as you sat down. You had to wake up rather early that day to get to the airport on time, and these comfy seats urged you into a deep sleep before the plane even took off.

You had woken up a couple hours later and realized that you never looked at the person sitting beside you before you took off. You looked to your side to see an attractive man sitting next to you. You thought he was around your age, maybe a couple years older but not by a whole lot.

You had probably been looking at him for a solid 20 seconds before he turned his head to the side and noticed.

"Oh hello! My name is Christopher Bang, but you can call me Chan if you want." He said smiling, his dimples are so cute. He had a charming Australian accent. Yes you lived in Australia but you did not have an accent.

"Hi, my name is Y/n L/n" You smiled at him. Still a little dazed at how attractive he is.

"Are you flying to Korea for a vacation or do you live there?" Chan asked.

"Vacation." You replied.

"How long are you going for?"

"I'm staying for a whole month. What about you? Do you live there or are you vacationing?"

"I live in Korea but I used to live in Australia. I was coming to visit family for a bit, I don't tend to get a lot of time off from work so I had not seen them in a while." He said.

You guys talked for the rest of the flight. You told him all about the lottery and your plans for school. You guys learned quite a bit about each other over the period of time. The only thing you didn't ask or get to know about, was his job. You found it a bit odd that he didn't tell you but you just thought it might have been a job that was a bit embarrassing so you didn't want to pry.

You landed in Seoul and got off the plane. Since you had never been to Seoul before you had no idea how to navigate the airport. You only knew a little bit of Korean so Chan had offered to help you get through the airport. Before he got off the airplane he put on a hat, face mask and glasses.

You were confused a bit but just thought maybe his eyes were sensitive to the sun. You got to the luggage carousel and got your bags and so did Chan. He explained to you where the car rental place was and you exchanged numbers. You said goodbye and to your surprise he gave you a hug. You got your car and made your way to the hotel. Checking in once you arrived.

You got your room key and saw that the lottery agency had booked you one of the penthouse suites. "Wow they really pulled out all the stops." You mumbled under your breath as you got into the elevator.

As the doors were closing a hurried hand stuck into the doors and they opened to reveal a very handsome stranger. His hair looked fluffy and all you could think of when you saw it was how you wanted to run your hands through it. He also had the cutest freckles.

"Sorry, do you mind if I join you?" He said and did a slight bow.

"It is ok, I don't mind. I don't know how to speak Korean very well though" You sheepishly replied the last part in English. You were worried he wouldn't understand your broken Korean or English.

"Oh, that's ok! I can speak English. I used to live in Australia so English is actually my first language." He said with a cute little grin. You were surprised at how low his voice was compared to how he looked. He also has an Australian accent. You didn't expect to meet another Aussie so fast.

"Oh perfect. It is okay I don't mind to share this elevator there is lots of room. My name is Y/n L/n. It is nice to meet you." You said with a smile and stuck your hand out to shake his. He also reached out his hand.

"My name is Felix, Felix Lee." You shook hands, his was a bit on the small side but you thought that was just cute. It was bigger than yours nonetheless.

You then stood there in comfortable silence. You felt the elevator come to a stop and looked at the door but it wasn't opening. It only showed you were on the 14th floor.

"We might be stuck..." Felix said. He then reached out to press the emergency button.

You got on a call with a hotel staff. They said they think it might take up to 30 minutes and then continuously apologized to the two of you. The staff finally hung up.

"I guess we should get to know each other then." You said with a bit of an awkward laugh.

"I guess we should" He chuckled. His voice is so soothing never mind his laugh I could listen to it all day if I had to.

Fallen Out Of Your League [Felix x y/n]Where stories live. Discover now