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Back to Y/n's POV

          'He was going to be here in 30 minutes and bringing supper, I should at least get changed and look presentable... Right?'

'No, he's going to to be coming back from practice so he will probably just be in a t-shirt, but they do have showers there. What if he changed out of practice attire because he is coming over.  But it is only take out...'  

'Ok I will change but nothing too fancy just something comfortable but cute.'  You decided on some light grey sweat pants, a darker grey top, and a thin gold necklace.

By the time you were done getting changed you had about 10 min until Felix got here. You decided to clean up whatever dishes you had made, make the bed, and put away any garbage you had left out.

As you finished cleaning up you heard a knock at your door.

"Coming!" You said and ran to the door and checked through the peep hole. There you saw Felix with take-out. He does look like he has showered but he just put on a fresh shirt so nothing too fancy. All that panic and for nothing you thought, smiling as you opened the door.

"Hey!" You said to him and gave him a hug being careful of the take-out bag.

"Hi" He said returning the hug but with only one hand because the other was preoccupied.

"Come in" You said stepping aside. "How was practice?"

"It was good, tiring but good. We got our dancing to be more in sync with each other today" He said as he placed the food bag on the table opening it up to reveal a box of fried chicken. You took a seat at the table with Felix.

You opened the box to see fried chicken glazed with Sweet Garlic Soy Sauce. The steam coming out of the box only made it more appetizing. Seeing the delicious food brought a big smile to your face.

"I guess I chose the right kind of food" Felix said with a proud smile on his face. "Oh right, there is one more thing" He said reaching back into the bag. Seeing what he pulled out excited you so much.

"Banana milk!" You said as you almost jumped out of your chair. He Laughed at your cuteness and handed it over.

"OKAY! Let's eat!" Felix said rather loudly. It made you jump a bit but you just laughed it off and so did he.

It didn't take long before the box of 15 pieces was gone, Felix eating 9 and you eating 6. 

 "That was really good, thank you for bringing over food" You said as you stood up and stretched. Grabbing the plates from the table you walked over to the kitchen and put them in the sink.

 "Hey Y/n?" You heard Felix calling you from the living/dining room area.

"Yeah?" You said as you walked towards him.

"I was wondering if you weren't busy tomorrow. Would you want to go out for dinner with me?" Felix said while a blush spread across his face and his ears went red.

"L-like a date?" You didn't mean to stutter. Come on Y/n what happed to the confidence from this morning.

"Yes like a date" He said with a chuckle. He found your stutter cute.

"B-but what if people see us out together, y-you are an Idol after all. What if it causes a scandal?" You said. 'Crap why do I keep stuttering. Heart please go back to beating at a normal pace'.

"Don't worry about that part yet. Just answer the question" He said with a comforting smile.

"I mean of course I would love to, but-" You got cut off by a quick kiss on your lips.

"Perfect. No buts" He said with a big smile on his face. Now you're the one who is a blushing mess.

"You look cute when you blush, I hope I can cause that to happen more often." Felix said as he cupped your face, thumbs lightly tracing circles on your cheeks. This action only causing you to blush more. Both of you just looking into each others eyes.

"It's like I'm stargazing" You said in a slight whisper. You heard him chuckle at your comment, but still your eyes got lost deeper into his. Seeing pretty freckles perfectly placed on the surrounding area.

"Let's go watch a movie" He said as he pulled your head close and gave your forehead a quick peck. He grabbed your hand and pulled you towards the couch. 

"What movie do you want to watch?" Felix said as he scrolled through the choices.  

"What about Charlie and The Chocolate Factory? You just passed it" You suggested.

"Okay, I haven't watched this movie in forever" The movie started and maybe 10min in you started to feel a bit cold.



"Can we cuddle I'm a bit cold..." You said a bit hesitantly.

"Of course, come here" He said as he laid down on the couch with his head and upper back propped up by a pillow. He made some grabby hands towards you.

"Ok come here" he said in a loving tone.

You got on top of him and got comfortable. Once he assumed you were comfortable he grabbed a blanket from beside him and placed it on top of the both of you. You didn't even notice that there was a blanket around. Your head rested on top of his chest. You could feel it rise and fall with every breath. 

His arms wrapped around your waist, holding you close like you would break. 

"Are you comfortable?" Felix asked. Since you were on top of him you could feel the slight vibration in his body as he talked.

"Very, thank you" He gave you one last peck on the forehead before focusing on the movie.

As you laid there still encompassed by his arms that engulfed you in warmth, it felt safe. Like his arms and the blanket could protect you from the world.

Even though arms and blankets can only protect you so much. You know you can't stay forever wrapped in his arms, and eventually the month will be over. It's selfish of you to want to stay by his side longer, and you know it's for the best if you leave. But you want this moment to last for as long as you can. 

Eventually the warmth whisked you away from your thoughts and put you to sleep.

Fallen Out Of Your League [Felix x y/n]Where stories live. Discover now