Epilogue: Pt 2

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There will be a small bit of Minsung in here, so I'm sorry in advance if you don't like shipping members 😭. But if you do... I have a one shot book 👀. There are like 4 chapters atm but I plan on writing more :)

You woke to the sounds of yelling coming from down the hall.

It wasn't the best way to wake up, but as soon as you remembered where you were, and the people you were with. You couldn't care less about how you woke up.

You stood up, walking out of Felix's bedroom and towards the yells of the members. Seemed that everyone else was awake and back in this dorm before you.

"Good morning y/n! How was your sleep~" Han said. Minho had his arms wrapped around his slim waist and his head resting on his shoulder.

"Good morning~ I had an amazing sleep!" You said. "Is there something you two want to tell me?" You said looking at the duo smugly.

"Well, since you asked. Minho and I... well, I mean, not technically, but also technicall-" Han said, stringing his words along. A dark blush spreading across his face.

"We are dating" Minho said, cutting Han off.

"AHHHH, CONGRATULATIONS!!!" You ran up to the pair and gave them a tight hug. "Are there any other couples I need to know of~" You said looking around the room.

"Not yet. Hahaha" Chan said.

"Oh also, I meant to tell you guys yesterday. But your English has gotten really good!" You said, congratulating all of them.

Not long after your catching up with the kids, your phone rang. The caller ID read, Wooyoung 💕

"Hey!" You said, picking up the phone excitedly.

"Hey! How was your first night back~" Wooyoung said, with a suggestive tone in his voice. You could almost hear his eyebrows wiggling.

"Oh my gosh, yeah right. I still am holding onto my card" You said, laughing at his implications.

"Ok~ well if something does happen make sure to use protecti-"

"OK THATS EOUGH BYE~" You said cutting him off and hanging up before he could finish his sentence.

"Everything ok there Y/n?" Felix asked. Seeing a light pink blush spread across your face.

"Yes. Just Wooyoung being Wooyoung" You said with a laugh.

"Do you guys have any plans for breakfast yet?" You questioned the members.

"Nope. Are you craving something in particular?" Chan asked.

"I would love to make some waffles if every is okay with that!" You said, standing up to make sure they had all the ingredients for it.

"It's your first day here and you want to cook?! You are crazy. But I think we would all love some waffles"
Minho added. "Do you want some help?"

"Sure! A second pair of hands will be helpful~"

Minho and you got to work on creating a delicious stack of waffles.

"Eat up boys! Breakfast is served!" You announced. Quickly they filled the table and started to serve themselves. The waffles were gone in no time, but no one was hungry by the end.

Today was just going to be a relaxing day for you. The members all had some music or practice to work on. So you spent the rest of the afternoon taking a nap, as yesterday's long traveling drained you.

You woke up and checked your phone for the time. It was 4pm. You wandered around the dorm to see if anyone was home.

Hearing some shuffling coming from Seungmin's room and seeing the door ajar you pushed it open.

Fallen Out Of Your League [Felix x y/n]Where stories live. Discover now