~Christmas special~

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Hello dear readers! I know this update is late but I've just been a bit all over the place recently and really busy 😭. Anyways I hope you enjoy.

10 years after

"Omma! Look what Uncle Channie gave me for Christmas!" Your 4 year old daughter turned away from the Christmas tree to hold up her new stuffed kangaroo. "I am going to name him after uncle Channie. Do you like that name Mr Kangaroo?" She said to the stuffy and grabbed his head to make it look like he nodded. "You can lay in my bed next to Mr Unicorn!" She said happily.

You and Felix were spending your Christmas Day at home with your family of 4. Your family settled back in Australia after straykids disbanded. Your son and daughter were born back in Korea, you moved back to Australia 3 years ago. Moving back to Australia after all these years has been really nice for both you and Felix. Plus the kids are able to get to know and hang out with their grandparents.

"UNCLE CHAN GOT ME A NEW LEGO SET. ITS 10,000 PIECES" Your 6 year old boy shouted.

"You two should thank him later for the adorable presents" Felix said with a smile on his face

"I will thank him so loud the phone with cut out!" Your boy said energetically.

"That won't be necessary" Chan said as he sneaked around the corner to surprise the kids.

"UNCLE CHANNIEEEEEEE" The both of them shouted, running up to him and ramming their tiny body's into Chans. He stumbled a bit before grabbing both in each arm and lifting them up.

"Hey guys! Oof, you guys seem to have grown since last time I saw you. What has it been 5 months?" Chan puts them back down. "What have you guys been feeding them they are gonna be taller than me soon" Chan said sarcastically. But still impressed by how tall they got.

"I want to start working out so I can be strong like uncle chan! That way if Hannah hurts herself I can carry her to safety!" Your little boy Wooyoung said. Trying to flex his biceps.

"I'm sure one day you will be supper strong! Just like Uncle Chan!" Felix said walking over to Chan and giving him a large hug. "How have you been hyung?" Felix asked chan.

"Still keeping myself busy with music. But I've been getting really good sleep lately! Sometimes I just sleep through the whole day" He said, hand rubbing the back of his neck.

"You deserve all the rest and peace in the world hyung" Felix said, giving him one more really tight hug. "Is your girlfriend treating you well?" Felix asked?

"Yeah she treats me really really well. I love her. It's been 2 and a half years in January already" He said looking really happy.

"That's so good to hear" Felix said with a hug smile on his face.

You were in the kitchen finishing up dinner. You and Felix's relationship has had its ups and down like all do. But you guys are doing really good. Now that he's less busy with being an idol family life got much easier. You will still come by paparazzi and meet fans but you have only had a handful of crazy people. You get nervous sometimes in crowds with your kids but when you do Felix senses it and is very good and calming you down.

Wooyoung started grade 1 and so far it's been going supper well. If you and Felix ever need a small break for date night your parents are always willing to take the kids for the night.

Sometimes when you were living back in Korea and Felix was still performing while you were stuck at home with the kids alone it would get hard. And for split moments you would regret the life you chose. But then he will walk through the door and all regrets just fly out the window. You love him more than words can describe. And he loves you just the same.


Ok well, that's it from me for this special 😅 it's supper short I know but I wanted to give you guys at least something!

Thank you so much for 15k + reads too! I actually can't believe it 😭

But yeah. All the holidays are kinda over for a bit so I might to like a Valentine's Day special, but if I can't think of anything for the Felix x Y/N plot point I'll do a little side chapter of Han and Minho's relationship an how it went.

Anyways this will probably be the last of this book other than a valentines thing 😭

Thank you so much for taking the time to read my book!!!! Merry Christmas, happy hanukah and Happy new year to all of you!

Please vote for my book! I would really appreciate it 💕

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