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            "Okay then, let's go" You said giving his hand a squeeze. He squeezed your hand back and led you towards the beach.

As you two made your way down you could feel the smooth breeze coming off of the ocean. It wasn't cold, more like refreshing. With the minimal clothes you had on, you were the perfect temperature. 

There was almost no one out even thought the night was perfect. The lighting was so nice, just after sunset but not yet dark. The first thing you thought of was what a pretty selfie Felix could probably take right now.

"It's so beautiful right now" You stated. It sounded like you were going to say something else but you stopped yourself before you did. Felix noticed this and only hummed and nodded in response hoping if he didn't say anything you would continue.

"You should take a selfie and show it to STAY. It would be prefect the lighting and view, and of course you look good, but you always look good" You said continuing. Getting less and less confident about your suggestion the more time Felix took to respond. 

He slightly chuckled.

"I had thought about it but I don't want to" He said as he smiled looking out into the ocean.

"Oh ok" 

"If I was in any other circumstance I probably would have but I want this moment to be for only you and I" He said. He brought your hand still holding onto his up to his mouth and kissed the back of it. You felt kind of stupid for mentioning it but tried to brush it off. You guys sat there for a bit just enjoying the others presence. 

You weren't sure when but you guys had started talking about random things like when the others birthday was and if they believed in astrology. It was completely dark out now and the light pollution from the city was almost non existent. A perfect view of the stars.

 You were getting a bit cold when a shiver ran through your body. Yours was leaning on Felix with his arm wrapped around you so he felt it.

"Want to start heading home?" He asked worried you would catch a cold. You slowly nodded your head no because you didn't want this moment to come to an end. Then another big wave of air rushed by sending a second chill up your body. Nodding your head yes after thinking about it for a while.

He grabbed your hand as he brought you back to the car. You got into the car and he turned the heat on immediately. He pulled out of the parking lot and started heading home. 

"Can I turn the radio on?" You asked him. You liked the silence but music has always been a comforting thing for you. 

"Of course" He said placing his hand back on your thigh. His hand rubbing up and down this time.

You pressed the on button and you guess Chan was listening to the K-pop channel because We Lost The Summer by TxT was playing. 

You realized Felix's hand was getting close to the garter. Your breathing skipped for a second when he touched it. His hand stopped moving and felt around carefully to identify the object.

"Baby?" He asked, an obvious smirk could be heard in his voice. The sound ended and changed to Love Me Harder by WOODZ.

"What's this?" He obviously knew what it was from the cockiness in his voice. 

"My bestfriend gave it to me as a gag gift and I found it while I was looking through my bag. I guess she slipped it in there when I wasn't paying attention. I wore it because I had never worn it before so decided today would be a good occasion" You said getting shyer as you went on. 

"Well, it's very pretty" He said suddenly so calm and just kept rubbing your thigh. For some reason him barely acknowledging it made you blush more. 

You guys got back to the hotel and made your way up stairs. You had already agreed he was going to stay the night with you and not go back to the dorm.

As you were opening the door you felt Felix lightly grab your waist and started kissing your shoulder.  

"You are lucky there aren't any cameras in the hallway" You said finally getting the door open.

Once you closed the door Felix attached himself to your back.

"I have to go take a shower Felix" You said trying to make your way to the bathroom. 

"OkAy fine" He said letting you go. In your suite you had 2 bathrooms so he could shower at the same time.

Once you were done your shower and changed, Felix was already all done waiting for you in the bed on his phone. You placed yourself beside him on the bed and he immediately climbed on top of you pinning your body between his legs and your hands above your head. 

He leaned into you and placed his lips on yours, soft at first but then it got more passionate. He started to pepper kisses down your jaw and neck stopping at your collar bone and made a mark that would be rather difficult to cover up. 

He made his way back to your lips and kissed you a bit more. After a bit he stopped and laid on top of you for cuddles.

"Mhp- you're heavy" You said rolling over so you were on top of him, his arms wrapped around you. 

"Goodnight my baby" Him only adding "My "to that made your stomach fill with butterflies as you feel asleep on top of him.

Fallen Out Of Your League [Felix x y/n]Where stories live. Discover now