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Felix POV: 

"Do you guys want the usual? Iced Americanos?" Han asked while putting on his shoes and mask.

"Yep" Chan and I said in sync.

"Ok, I'll be back soon" He said opening the door to leave. 

"THANK YOU" I said as he left to head to the café.

"Ok so for your song..." Chan said continuing where you guys left off. Bang Chan and Han were helping me with the production and writing of my solo song and they have been a big help. 

"IM BACK!" Han said bursting through the door. 

"Here are your drinks. Plus I bumped into someone while I was at the café"

"Oh? Who? Did you meet some STAY?" Chan asked.

"Nope, I saw Y/n" Han said. It really sucks that I will be too busy to see her for the next couple of days. Even though it's been less than 24hr I still miss her.

"Speaking of Y/n. What is going on between you two. I wish it didn't have to be this way but you need to be very careful. One slip up and there will be some commotion. Plus you need to keep us in the loop because if something does happen we need to know the best way to go about it." Chan said. 'I know Chan is right and I really wish it didn't have to be this way either'

"I like her Hyung, I really like her. And I know all the risks. We are being careful. And if you are asking if we are actually dating yet, no we aren't. Not quite yet" I said with a sigh. 

'I already know the consequences of the world finding out. I really, really, wish I could be the kind of boyfriend who can show off his girlfriend everywhere we go, and on social media. And I think that she deserves that, but I can't do that just yet. I hope one day I can but... Not yet.'

"I hope she is worth it in the end. I don't want to see your heart get broken" Chan said, nearing the end his voice got softer and more caring. 

"I don't think that is something you have to worry about" I said finishing of my americano. We got back to work on the song. 

It was just past 11 when we finished in the studio and headed back to the dorm. At some point Hyunjin brought some take out over to the studio for supper. We got back and went right into our beds. We have dance practice tomorrow and have to be at the studio at 10 so we wanted to get as much sleep as possible. 

I laid in bed and pulled out my phone to see a text from Y/n. 

Sent 1hr ago


Goodnight Felix. I had bumped into Han at the café. Wish it was you instead though. :))


I wish it was me instead too ;) 


I turned my phone off and went straight to sleep.

Y/n POV:

You woke up around 10. You were pretty tired last night so you fell asleep at a reasonable hour instead of staying and watching something. You checked your phone to see if Felix responded to your text. You slightly laughed when you read his message. It made you miss him. 

It may sound crazy but you would do anything for him. Even though it only been a few days, those few days felt like a life time. When he was around, your heart would do flips. You never really dated much in Australia. You never found someone who you clicked with this well. Your parents had even tried to encourage you to get a boyfriend. You didn't want to date just to date and then break up. You wanted someone who you could see yourself growing old with, someone to have a family with.

 But when you met Felix that changed. You didn't care about the future as much, you just wanted to savour the time you would spend together in the moment. You have never experienced love, but you think this might be it. He makes you feel things no one has ever made you feel. This feeling of missing something when he isn't around.

Fallen Out Of Your League [Felix x y/n]Where stories live. Discover now