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Since you have another day that you aren't sure what to do with you decided to do another thing off the list.

Places I want to check out/things I want to do while in Seoul:

Seoul Tower

Bukchon Hanok Village

Seoul Museum Of Art

A themed Café of some sort

Rent a bike, go to Olympic Park or Cheonggyecheon Stream. Maybe both?...

(Underlined means you did it)

You didn't feel like going far or doing exercise so you decided to go to the museum and then to a café of sorts. 

You got changed and hopped on the bus to get there. It wasn't long till you got there. You walked through the museum until you saw everything. On the way here you saw a themed café near by. You walked a couple of blocks until you got  to the café. 

The café was a meerkat café. You had never been to a café like this so you were excited to see the cuties. You entered the café, got a safety talk (They could speak English surprisingly), paid, and ordered a drink. You got an earl grey tea and some cheesecake. Finding a spot was pretty easy as there were not many people at the time. 

Once you sat down you had around 8 on you in no time. One of the staff came over to you and gave you some treats to give to them. The staff was the same guy who gave you the safety talk. 

"Thank you" you said as he gave the the treats. 

"This is kind of perfect" He said.

'What is?" You asked confused. 

"These 8 are all named after one group and normally don't all hang out together so it's odd that they all came to you" He said giving one of them a treat and giving his head a pat.

"What group are they named after?" You asked getting curious. You actually know quite a bit about K-pop just for some reason never heard of Stray Kids. It's also not like you don't like their music. You gave all their songs a binge and loved them all so it astounds you that you never heard of them. 

"Stray Kids. Do you know of the group?" He said.

"Really? Yeah I know of the group. It's actually one of my favourite groups" 

"Oh wow! I guess it's a match made in heaven" He said with a smile. 'You don't even know the amount of a coincidence this is' You thought to yourself as he stood up to go cater to the other costumers that came in.

Once you finished your food and got your meerkat fix you headed out. Saying goodbye to the guy you talked to earlier.

You looked at your phone to see that the time was already 5pm. You got on the bus and thought about what you were going to do for supper. You were craving some tteokbokki so you stopped at the nearest place to your hotel. 

The closest and best restaurant just happened to be across the street from the JYP building. 

You ordered the tteokbokki. When the waiter brought it to you it was still steaming and it smelt so good. It did not take you long to finish it. It was so delicious you were tempted to order more but your stomach said otherwise. 

To get rid of the full feeling in you stomach you decided to go for a walk through Olympic Park which was also very close by. 

You got back to your hotel at 9ish. Once you were showered and changed it felt so nice to sit on your couch and watch something on the Tv. You fell asleep on the couch while watching Tv.

You woke up to the sound of your phone ringing. 'Who could that even be' You thought before checking the caller ID. It was your best friend. You picked it up right away and told her about what you were up to. 

Even though she is your bestfriend you didn't tell her about Felix or that you met any of them. You said you met a nice guy on the plane and the whole elevator situation but you didn't say names or that you kept in touch with them.

You would have 100% if the situation was different but you also were not sure what information you could tell people or not. So you opted for the safest option which was don't say a thing. 

After talking about how you guys were both doing. you said goodbye. You checked the time stamp and you had been on call for 4hr. 

It was now 1pm. While on the phone you ate some cereal but it was now lunch time so you started to make some fried rice. The fridge and pantry came stocked up on food so you didn't have to get take out every day. 

After eating your rice you decided to just have a lazy day. You stayed in your PJs all day and just made some soup for dinner.

Authors note:

Sorry for the crappy filler chapter. I just didn't want to do a big time skip soooooo, yeah :) Hope you are enjoying reading so far.

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