Epilogue pt. 5

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Tomorrow was Ateez's debut day. You had planned to have a sleepover at Ateez's dorm that night.

"Ok I have my bag all packed, I'm ready to go~!"You said, picking it up and running over to Wooyoung. 

"Great!" Wooyoung said, grabbing your overnight bag to carry it for you.

"Have a good time darling. Let me know if you need anything" Felix said giving you a hug and a kiss.

"Why do I feel like an 8 year old going over for her first sleepover" You said laughing.

"Let's go?" Wooyoung said after a bit of laughing. "They guys have been working on their English extra hard for you" He said with a airy laugh.

"Aww, that's so nice of them to take the time out of their schedules for that! I have been practicing my Korean. Who is the best at English so far?" You asked.

"Probably San and Yunho. Hongjoon is good too. The others struggle a bit more"

"That's fine, I don't expect them to be perfect" You said, touched that they have been trying.

When you walked into their dorm there were mattresses, pillows and blankets everywhere. The smell of popcorn wafted through the air.

"Y/n! You are finally here!!! It's so nice to finally meet you. Wooyoung talks about you a lot~" San said. "I'm San if you couldn't tell cuz the phone camera doesn't highlight my handsomeness enough~" He said with a wink

"Don't worry I know all your names and faces, hahahha" You said, amused by Sans charms.

"I hope you don't mind," Yunho said pausing to look at the mess of mattresses in the living room. "The plan is for us all to sleep in the living room!" He said, taking your bag from the ground. "You can come with me and I'll show you to Wooyoung and Jongho's room, we can keep your things in there"

"Thank you~" You said following him to the room. Yunho gave you a short tour of the rest of the dorm and then brought you back to the rest of the guys.

"Ok! Popcorn is ready. Let's find a movie to watch!" Yeosang yelled from the kitchen. Walking out with 2 large bowls of popcorn followed by Hongjoon with 2 more.

"Oh wow you guys made so much!" You said, taking a seat in between Wooyoung and San.

"Let's watch coralline!" Wooyoung said as San flipped through Netflix with the remote.

"No, coralline scares me" San replied with a pout.

"How about the nightmare before Christmas? It's almost Halloween!" You said with slight excitement, not having watched it in a good 5 years.

"Oooo Yeah! Let's watch that!" Jongho exclaimed.

"Nightmare it is" San said, searching it up. Soon enough, everyone was all snuggled up against one another. No one was talking, the only sounds were the movie and the quiet munching on popcorn.

Nearing the end of the movie you felt Wooyoungs head heavily laying on your shoulder. He was fast asleep. You wrapped your arm around his shoulder and pulled the blanket up so it covered him.

By the time the credits came up, Wooyoung was wake again. You took a look at the time and it was already 12am and everyone was sleepy. 'They have probably been practicing really hard, I'm sure they are all anxious for tomorrow. We should get to sleep'

"Let get ready to go to sleep" Seonghwa said. The guys all got up and went to the bathrooms to brush their teeth, wash their face, etc.

Soon enough everyone was back in the living room laying all the blankets out over the mattresses.

You chose the edge of the mattresses, yes you might all be only friendly. But just to be safe for no funny business you were gonna lay beside Wooyoung. 

Everyone quickly feel asleep.

I'm so sorry for not updating for like a month 😭😭😭 idk I just haven't had the time or energy to write. But I promise I will finish it! Sorry for the short update 😭😭😭💔

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