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              It was probably around 9am when you finally started wiggling around in bed, still kind of half asleep. As you laid there remembering last night a blush spread over your face, touching your lips as you recalled more. You realized Felix was no longer in bed beside you. You shot up and looked around the suite with no sign of him. 

'He wouldn't have just up and left without saying goodbye right?' You thought for a second before checking your phone to see if maybe he left a text. 

sent 6:30 Felix: 

Hey. Sorry to not be there when you woke up. Chan had called me into the studio early. I tried not to wake you so you could get your beauty sleep, not that you need it ;) I really enjoyed last night :)

 sent 9:17  Y/n:

I really enjoyed last night too. Hope you have a good day at work :D

Today will be the first day of your trip that you have to yourself. Not that you are complaining or anything you love getting to know him but, before coming you had made a little check list of places you wanted to go to. To do the normal tourist things. 

You pulled out your check list to see what you might want to do today.

Places I want to check out/things I want to do while in Seoul:

Seoul Tower

Bukchon Hanok Village

Seoul Museum Of Art

A themed Café of some sort

Rent a bike, go to Olympic Park or Cheonggyecheon Stream. Maybe both?...

You thought about it for a bit and decided to go for a bike ride, since you had lots of energy today you felt like being active. You thought going to Cheonggyecheon Stream would be nicer today because, honestly it was a beautiful day out. 

Quickly you made some breakfast which just consisted of a smoothie and some toast.

You looked into it a little farther and found a place to rent a bike from and called them to make sure they had one for you. Thankfully they did. You got the bus directions you needed because it was a bit too far to bike to and left the hotel.

Once you got your bike you headed over to the bus stop. You finally arrived at the stream and hopped on your bike. 

'It's so peaceful, and gorgeous damn. I should do this again' You thought pedaling along. 

You reached the end of the Cheonggyecheon Stream in about an hour and turned around to start heading back. The path got a bit more busy as more people came out and enjoyed the beautiful day.

At this point almost every other group of people you passed by were a couple. It was kind of ruining your vibe. 

'There so many couples out. Why here'  You looked around and remembered this is a common date place, especially on a day like today. 

You made it back to where you began and headed back to the bus stop. 

It was around 2 when you got back to your hotel. You were sweaty so you went straight into the shower. Since you had nothing else to do you took your sweet time. 

Once you were changed and dry it was 3:30 and you were getting very hungry. You decided to go to the café that was close by. 

On your way walking there you rehearsed what you were going to order because your Korean was not very good, and you didn't want to be stuttering through every word.

You got to the café, there weren't many people. For some reason the person in front of you... 

'Why does his silhouette look so familiar?' You were so confused until you listened to his conversation with the person taking his order. He had a face mask covering his face so you couldn't quite pin point who it was.

"What is your name?" The staff asked. You weren't very good at Korean but you knew some very basic phrases. Like that one.

"Han" OHHHHH. The mask makes sense. Once you placed your order you were going to go up to him and say hi until a thought stopped you.

'Right, he is an idol. Maybe I shouldn't approach him in public. I will just leave him be then and say hi some other ti-' Your train of thought got cut off by someone tapping your shoulder saying your name.

"Y/n? Are you ok?" You snapped out of it and saw that the voice belonged to Han. The one and only.

"Oh, Han. Sorry I was a bit zoned out" 

"A bit? The staff called your name 5 times and you still didn't grab your food"

"OH sh-" You were about to run over and see if your order was still there when Han grabbed your wrist.

"Calm down Y/n. I grabbed it for you" He said and handed you your food.

"Thank you thank you thank you" You said. You even bowed.

"Hahahahahah, you are welcome. You don't have to bow you know" He said patting your shoulder.

"Think of this as an apology for spinning you around that one time" He said with a smile.

"Ok, in that case apology accepted" You said as you both walked out of the café. Before you guys went your separate ways Han stopped you.

"Oh also sorry to be the barer of bad news but Felix will probably be busy for the next few days. Probably 3 but who knows. " He informed you.

"oh alright" You said. You really didn't mean to sound disappointed because you get it, he's busy and needs to work.

"Aww you guys are too cute. He was just as disappointed. To any outsider it would seem like you two have known each other for ages when its only been like what 3 days?"

"4 actually" You said blushing a bit when he said you two looked cute together.

"Well I have to get back to the members. I'll make sure Felix knows that you miss him" He said laughing a bit. 

"Nooooo, pls" You begged, not wanting to be outed like that.

"Hmmm, maybe. I will see" He said with one last wave and you both went your separate ways.

Fallen Out Of Your League [Felix x y/n]Where stories live. Discover now