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Y/n POV:
"Hey Y/n, it's time to wake up" Wooyoung said, he opened the blinds and let the afternoon light bleed into the room.

"Ughhhh" You tossed and turned not wanting to get out of be- 'wait... bed?! When did I get into his bed'

"Did you sleep in the couch?" You asked, squinting your eyes to try and adjust to the light.

"Yeah. You had a rough day so I let you sleep here. The couch is a pull out bed anyways" He said, eyes forming into crescents. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah, really well actually. Thank you" You said fully getting out of the bed.

"This is what friends are for, to pick you up when you are down" Wooyoung said. You gave him a big hug and walked into his kitchen.

"As thanks, let me make you breakfast" You said turning to Wooyoung to see him holding in laughter.

"Y/n... It's 4pm- jaofjklendvafkmac" He started laughing, unable to control it anymore.

"WHAT- ugh, ok whatever I'll take you out for dinner then, you can choose the place" You said.

"I'm more of a take out guy. How about we go on a picnic, we can order some fried chicken" Woo suggested.

"Ok, that sounds good too. Let's leave soon though so we can catch the sunset" You said. "I'm gonna take a shower quickly and then we can leave after. Call whatever Chicken place you want and order whatever. I'll cover it all!" You said as you walked over to the bathroom.

You let the hot water run through your hair, fully soaking it before you used soap. His shampoo smelt like coconut, and the conditioner did too. The smell felt really familiar but you couldn't quite place it.

"Ok! Are you ready to go?" You said excitedly after getting out of the shower and changed into fresh clothes.

"Yep! And I know the perfect beach we can picnic at. It has the best view for sunset. I'll drive" He said grabbing your hand and pulling you out of the apartment.

The drive to the chicken place was rather short. You both got out of the car and went in to pick up the order. You paid and got right back in the car.

"Good thing we left early, the drive to the beach is rather long" Wooyoung said.

"Can I turn the radio on?"

"Of course go for it!" He replied. You turned it on and we lost the summer by TxT started to play. It reminded you of Felix. The lyrics feel different compared to last time. Before it was just a song, now you can relate to the lyrics. Fully immerse yourself in the lyrics.

You didn't cry. You didn't want to. Instead you focused on the scenery.

"We are here" Wooyoung said. You unbuckled your seatbelt and pulled yourself out of the car. The smell of the sea greeting you.

"This beach is my favourite and it's perfect for a picnic" Wooyoung said staring at the sea and then back to you to when he got no reply. You weren't listening to him.

"Y/n, are you ok?"

"Yeah it's just that this is where Felix took me on our first date. That restaurant over there" You said pointing over the the building not too far away. Your voice soft and calm. "Let's go?" You said and grabbed his hand pulling him towards the beach.

Once you guys found a nice spot Wooyoung pulled out a large picnic blanket and placed it on the ground. After setting up everything you opened up the chicken.

"Let's eat!" He said. You both started eating. Over the food you guys talked a bit more about Wooyoungs life. You found out he was also a part time traine at KQ entertainment, and was probably going to quit working at JYP soon.

"Thank you so much. I'm not sure what I would have done if I didn't have you. I probably would have just hid out in the hotel like a hermit till I had to get on the plane" You said laughing.

"Of course I'll only ever be a call away. Once you go back feel free to call anytime. I might not pick up but as soon as I get time I will call back" He said wrapping his arm around you, both watching as the sun went behind the horizon.

"I know it's selfish to say this. But I wish Felix wasn't an Idol. Idols not being allowed to date is crazy, but also I understand why it's a rule" You sighed and rested your head on his shoulder.

"I wish you would just talk to him. You never know what he might say"

"But if I do she might find out and then if he doesn't want to make that sacrifice it will be to late and she will post all the photos" Your voice was calm as tears rolled down your face yet again.

Woo didn't know what to say so he just hugged you tighter. Someone who was just walking by might have thought you were on a date, but the air between the 2 of you was nothing but friendship.

After a half hour the sun had fully disappeared.

"Let's pack up and go, ok"

"Yeah I'm getting a bit cold. Want to come to my apartment it's bigger and we could both just sleep in the same bed. It's massive" You suggested.

"Alright, sounds good to me" You two packed up everything and drove back. Talking a bit more about Wooyoungs plans to debut. His group was going to be named Ateez. Of course this was top secret information that you couldn't tell anyone.

The rest of the night was relaxing. Once you got to the hotel you were both very tired and a long sleep in that comfortable bed of your was just what you needed.

"Y/n I do have work tomorrow so I have to leave by 9" Wooyoung said as he crawled into bed.

"Ok I'll make sure to be up and make you breakfast" you said before turning on your side and closing your eyes.

"Good night my love" you said

"Night love" He replied before also crawling into bed.

The air was comfortable with him. You weren't scared he would rob you or take advantage. It felt like you had known him for years, and he was your best friend.

You fell asleep instantly. Felix wasn't on your mind. You we happy.

Fallen Out Of Your League [Felix x y/n]Where stories live. Discover now