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"No-" You said looking up at the person to respond but you cut yourself off.

Your eyes started to tear up immediately.

"Oh darling don't cry" Felix said sitting down in front of you. Taking your hand in one and cupping your face with his other, wiping the tears that spilled.

"What- a-are you do-doing here. Go away. I don't w-want to see yo-u" You said trying to speak but it came as chocked out sobs instead.

"Shhh shhh it's ok. Wooyoung told me everything" He said now abandoning your hands and putting both of his on your face.

"But she'll-"

"I dont care about that. I talked to Chan as well and he is ok with it too" Felix said. At the mention of Chans name you cried harder.


"Calm down it's ok, breath baby"

"I treated him so badly- he must hate me now" You said. The tears stopped and you started to hiccup a bit.

"He doesn't hate you darling. He understands why you did it as well. I wish you came and talked to me though before making those big decisions" he said still rubbing small circles into your cheeks. Not braking eye contact with you and his eyes showed nothing but love. Hiding all of his past hurt and pain away so you didn't have to worry about it.

"When I did that to chan... I- I- I hurt so much. Showers, the floor and Wooyoung became the only thing keeping me from..." You didn't finish your sentence. All you did was let out a deep breath. You composed yourself just a bit.

"I'm sorry Felix. I'm so so sorry. My intention wasn't to hurt you. I thought it was selfish to put my feelings before your career. I didn't want to even give you the chance to ruin it, so I made the decision for you. Honestly... I still think you should just forget about me. Sure a lot of stays will support you. But some wont. And your group has been through hell with scandals. I don't want to be a reason why you guys have more stress than what your job already provides" You said taking his hands off your face and just holding his in yours with you head hung low not looking at Felix. Felix had a mask and a bucket hat on. A baggy hoodie and jeans. To the normal person you wouldn't be able to tell who he was. He still had time to turn back.

"Y/n, I'm not letting you leave like this. I couldn't live with myself to know that the girl I loved, loved me back but a crazy fan was what kept us apart. If I can't be with my loved ones and be an idol I don't want to be one" Felix said looking you in the eyes.

"Felix... that's not fair to the rest of them. And that's not fair to you. Their career could also go to hell if you just quit" You said.

"We agree with Felix" Han said walking up to you guys. All also wearing hats and masks. Some how the clothes they were wearing made them look bad. So they nailed the incognito fit.

"But lucky for us Felix won't have to just quit. I had a quick talk with the managers and JYP and eventually I made them cave. They will back you up if scandals come forward" Chan said putting a hand on Felix's shoulder. They were all here.

"Really..?" You asked.

They all nodded. You looked at the clock and decided you had 10 minutes before you had to get through security.

"I have 10 minutes till I have to go..." You said sadly. Not wanting to leave. Especially after just getting bombarded with this information.

"Ok, we will say goodbye then leave you in the hands of Felix" Han said. Slowly you said goodbye to each of them. Giving all of them a hug. Hans was a little tighter than the rest. Finally it was time to say goodbye to Chan.

Fallen Out Of Your League [Felix x y/n]Where stories live. Discover now