Epilogue pt. 3

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Sorry for not updating for a while. I said that in the summer I would have more time to write. But I actually ended up getting busier. I also hadn't been in the right head space for writing recently 😵‍💫💔. I don't think there is any real schedule to this book anymore lol. I think I will try to wrap this up in 2-3 more chapters after this one.

Smut warning ⚠️ It's pretty tame though as this is my first time writing smut 🫣

If you don't feel comfortable with that I will put "****" before it starts ^^

"Make sure you keep your eyes closed~" Felix said, holding both of your shoulders lightly making sure you were going the right way.

The ground felt like it was concrete. There was a light fall breeze that made the hanging bits on the loosely tied scarf around your eyes danced along with your hair.

"How much further with I have to walk like this Felix?" You said with a breathy laugh.

"We are here~" He said, simultaneously taking off the blindfold.

Your jaw fell open when you saw the beautiful view over the city and a bit of the water. Small clouds painted the crystal clear blue sky.

Atop the rooftop sat a beautifully arranged picnic table. A charcuterie board sat in the middle with a baguette, and a well sized bottle of white wine.

"Wow, Felix- this is gorgeous" You turned to him and gave him a soft kiss on the lips. He wrapped his arms around your waist to deepen the kiss.

You pulled apart and took a deep breath of the air.

"I hoped you would like it. I know the roof of our dorm isn't some extravagant place. But it has this amazing view of the sunset and of the city and-" You cut him off with a quick peck to the lips.

"I love it" You said pulling away. You took his hand in yours and walked towards the table.

It was fading from golden hour to the beautiful colours of the sunset, when you had finished the cheese platter.

You and him stayed their peacefully and admired the sunset. Periodically taking sips of wine.

The colours of the sun reflected in his perfectly bleached hair.

"You are so handsome, you know that right?" You said, admiring his visuals.

"I have been told that once or twice" He said cockily.

"Only once or twice?!?! Well I better make sure to tell you how handsome you are more often. I'll make sure to post the pictures I took of you, so stay can shower you with complements" You said cupping the sides of his cheeks dramatically. And then let go to whip out your phone.

"I-" He started his sentence.


Went his phone that was laying face down on the table. He looked you as you placed your phone down.

Bing Bing Bing Bing

His phone started going off, over and over again.

"Did you turn on my ringer?" He said said surprised at the amount of noise coming from his phone.

"Maybe~" You said smugly. He picked up his phone to see the notifications of you tagging him in a post and then all the comments from stay's, saying how hot or cute he was. And how you were so lucky to be with such an angel.

Fallen Out Of Your League [Felix x y/n]Where stories live. Discover now