Epilogue: Pt. 1

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6 Months later
Midway through October

The plane slowed to a halt, landing on the tarmac.

You stepped off the plane into the airport. Everything in the airport looked the same; the stores hadn't changed, it was the same time of day as when you landed in Korea the first time.

After picking up your checked bag from the carousel, you scanned the crowd for the eyes you missed the most.

They landed on a person in a pink hoodie, tied back hair and a mask. As soon as your eyes locked you felt tears prick, and tempt to fall. Pulling your luggage with you, you ran at Felix. Wanting to feel his arms around you and take a deep breath of his scent.

The past couple of months have been hard with long distance, but you made it work.

Your photos did get leaked. But it barely effected his career. Of course some stays were upset, but SO MANY were happy for him. They were happy that you made him happy and that's all that mattered. You have been stopped a few times by stays and they have all been kind! The week after coming back from Korea you signed up for self defence and martial art lessons to be able to protect yourself against people; more specifically crazy stans.

After a well needed long hug you pulled away to see Wooyoung. You two have been keeping in touch as well, your relationship still thriving. You pulled him in for a tight hug as well.

They helped you take your bags to Wooyoung's car. You got driven to the Straykids dorm. You were going to be staying with them for the 3 weeks you are here.

The past 6 months you have been putting aside all spare money from work and saving up for this trip.

One of the main reasons why you came back was to see Ateez debut! Over the numerous times that you have called with Wooyoung while in Australia, you have gotten to know a bit about all his group mates. He seems to really love them all, even though they haven't been together long.

"I have never wanted to open a door more in my life" You said, standing in front of the dorm. After standing there for a second more you opened the door. It didn't take long for you to hear the scrambling of the members and distant hollers of "They are back!"

You fully opened the door and was greeted by a swarm of slightly out of breath guys squishing you in a group hug.

"We are so glad you have come back to visit! We missed you a lot" Chan said, as everyone let go.

"I've missed you all so much too! I'm so excited to stay with you guys for the next 3 weeks!"

"Every time you hung up on Felix he would go on and on about how much he misses you and-" Felix rushed over to Han and nugged him.

"Ok ok I think that's enough story telling from you for now"Felix said, his ears getting pink.

Everyone calmly moved on from the topic except for Felix. You got the tour of the dorm and where you were staying. The boys now had 2 separate dorms, so you were going to stay with Felix in his Queen bed.

The members let you unpack a bit before catching up with you any further. You took a shower, and afterwards you smelt the deliciousness coming from the kitchen.

"OMG YOU GUYS GOT FRIED CHICKEN!!! I have been craving this stuff" You said excitedly.

"We got 5 different kinds of chicken, but we bought a total of 8 boxes! No one is going home hungry tonight!"Changbin said, handing you a plate and napkin. You mouthed a small thanks before taking one of every kind, joining danceracha on the couch.

Sitting as close as you could to Felix without it being an issue for eating. Throughout the whole meal there was laughter. Never a dull moment with them. The chicken was everything you wanted it to be.

"Wow I'm stuffed" Chan said, standing up and collecting some of the dishes from the others.

"Me too" You said, standing up to do the same. You followed Chan to the kitchen and placed them into the dishwasher.

After everyone was done and all the dishes were delt with, 3racha and Hyunjin said their goodbyes and went off to their dorm. Hesitantly leaving, but everyone was tired as it was 2am.

You and the rest of the 4 said goodnight and got ready for bed.

You jumped into bed where Felix was already laying down, scrolling on what sounded like tiktok.

"I missed you so much" You said, straddling his lap and wrapping your arms around his waist, listening to his heart beat.

"I missed you too. Calling was good, but nothing compares to actually being with you" He said, running his fingers through your hair and giving the crown of your head a soft kiss.

Felix migrated further down the bed so that he was just lying down. You cuddled into the side of him.

"Good night Felix"

"Good night darling"


Hi there^^ I plan on making a couple of parts to the epilogue, so this is not the end yet 😅

If you feel ever so inclined to vote, I would greatly appreciate 💕

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