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Today is your last day in Korea. Your flight leaves at 8 so you want to make sure you have lots of time to get there and get through airport regulations. Leaving the hotel at 4:30 and getting there at 5 should give you lots of time.

You woke up to the morning light shining through the windows. You stood up and stretched near the window taking in the view. Even though today was your last you were ready to go home.

If someone had asked you that 2 weeks ago you wouldn't have been over joyed to be going back. Of course you missed you parents and friends, but for a while you really felt like you could live here forever.

Since then... things have changed a lot.

Turning around to face the sleeping Wooyoung you felt a pang in your heart.

You had already left everyone here- but him. The last thing holding you back from leaving. You both promised to call often as the time difference isn't huge. At least call once a week.

You walked into your kitchen to cook some breakfast. Deciding that pancakes bacon and eggs would be a nice last breakfast to cook for him.

Once you were almost finished Wooyoung came out of the bathroom from taking a quick shower.

"What are you making?" He asked peering over your shoulder.

"Pancakes, eggs and bacon. Could you get plates and cutlery out for us please?" You said. Focusing on the bacon that was sizzling on the pan, flipping it so it wouldn't burn.

Just as he was done setting the table the food was ready to bring to the table. A stack of pancakes, plate full of bacon and 4 eggs.

"Dig in!" You said happily, both taking food from the middle plates.

"As always Y/n it was delicious" Wooyoung said through a smile and wiping his lips with a napkin.

"I'm glad you have enjoyed my cooking Woo" You said picking up the plates to bring them to the dishwasher.

"No no no. Let me clean up. You should probably start packing up your bags. It's already 12" He said taking the plates from your hands. You nodded with agreement.

The last couple of days you have been putting things back into your suitcase after they went through the laundry. Just so you had less work to do all in one day.

Once Wooyoung was done with the dishes he came to help you fold and collect all your things. With two people it went pretty fast and easy. By 2 you had all your things packed away and waiting at the door for you.

"The company told me the meeting got postponed till 5:30, so I can drive you to the airport now. I wont be able to come in with you but I can get you there" Wooyoung said smiling.

"Really? That's great thank you so much love" You said giving him a hug.

"What do you want to do for the next 3 hours?"

"Can we just go on a drive? Show me some of your favourite places" You said.

"Of course. Do you want to just go to the airport from their too? Check out of the hotel now?" He asked. You did have everything packed so you didn't see a point in coming back.

"We can just leave from your car. I'll do one least check around the house" You said and went to do check. You got back to the front door and found nothing left behind so Wooyoung went to do one as well and also came back empty handed.

"Ok! Let's go?" You said and grabbed your bags and walked out the door. Once he was also out you closed the door and made sure it was locked. Checking out of the hotel went smoothly and you made it to his car.

"Where to first?" You asked curious as to where he would take you.

"I want to drive with you past Han River for a bit and then we can drive through the city and see all the sights there"

The drive was perfect. It was just what you hoped for. You got to see some things you hadn't see yet. Some of the street fashion was really fascinating too. It was around 4:40pm when you started to drive to the airport. You saw Wooyoung text someone around 4 when you got stuck in some traffic because of an accident. You didn't think much of it.

You could see the airport in the distance and started to reminisce on your time you spent here. The good times and the bad. You could feel warm tears spill down your face. Sniffling lightly you started to wipe them away. Wooyoung placed his hand on your leg and rubbed small circles with his thumb. He had a rough idea about what you were thinking of so he didn't bother to ask and upset you further. Once he pulled into the drop off section of the air port your tears had dried.

He put the car it park and stepped out and opened the trunk getting your bags out. You got out as well. Walking around to where he was all of your bags were out and he was closing the trunk.

"That's it, all of your stuff is out of the car right. You didn't leave anything in the fron-" you gave him a hug startling him a bit. "Front" he said hugging you back tightly and picking you up a bit before placing you back down.

"I'll miss you so much" You said squishing your face into his neck. Breathing him in for the last time for a while.

"I'll miss you too love" He said "I know you went through a lot on this trip. But you are an amazing person and things will line up for you I just know it"He said before letting you go.

"Thank you so much" You said tears welling up in your eyes again. "I'll make sure I come out to see you when you debut" You said taking your bags into your hands and starting to walk away.

"Good bye my love! I'll call you when I land" You said giving him a big smile.

"Have a safe trip love!" He said waving with a huge smile and tears in his eyes. You walked into the airport fighting your tears. Once you checked your big luggage you were left with a backpack and your purse. Before going through security you wanted to get a drink from Starbucks. You took a seat by a window where you could see the planes go by once you had your drink.

Someone pulled out the spare chair that was sitting in front of you. You thought someone just needed another chair for their table.

"Is this seat taken?" The stranger asked.

"No-" You said looking up at the person to respond but you cut yourself off.

Fallen Out Of Your League [Felix x y/n]Where stories live. Discover now