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You woke up to the smell of pancakes. Plus at some point you guess Felix brought you into the bed.

"Good morning, are you making pancakes?" You asked.

"Good morning to you too. And yes I am making pancakes. Don't worry Seungmin and I have made pancakes many times. I have most likely not made poison. If I did, then we can be just like Romeo and Juliet" He said laughing a bit out of embarrassment. Man did you forget how attractive his voice was.

You laughed at his darkish joke.

"Eh, we will be ok. I trust your cooking abilities. Did you sleep well?" You asked

"Yeah the bed was very comfortable. Okay pancakes are ready could you help me set the table? I would have done it earlier, but I wasn't sure where the plates and stuff were"

"Of course" You grabbed the plates and started setting the table.

"Thank you so much for the pancakes they were delicious! But next time let me cook" You said as you started putting the plates and stuff away and into the sink.

"Do you have practice today?" You asked as you looked at the time, it was now 11am.

"Yeah practice is at 12 so I need to leave soon" he said

"Aww okay" You said as you gave him a hug not really thinking just hugging out of habit. He hugged you back and man did he smell good, it was so comforting you zoned out for a bit. As you just stood there hugging him you felt a pair of lips on your forehead. You looked up at him a bit startled but you were still smiling.

His ears were a deep shade of red at this point.

"S-sorry I di-" You kissed him on the cheek to reassure him.

"Don't apologize, I liked it" You said, at this point you were also blushing. you just stood there still in his arms just looking into each others eyes comfortably when his phone started ringing. He mouthed a sorry to you as he picked up his phone

"Hey Chan what's up?" "Okay I'll be there in 30min" he hung up. "I have to go, I'll call you later ok?" He said.

"Okay" You just smiled at him.

"I'm sor-" He tried to say but you put your lips on his. It was only a quick peck but it was enough to shut him up.

"Stop apologizing and leave doofus" You said with a chuckle.

He was just standing there staring at you mouth opening and closing. You laughed a bit and took out your phone and took a selfie. You showed him the picture.

"Here I took a picture and I'll send it to you so you can look at me as much as you want" You started to push him out the door slightly "Now get to practice fool" you said laughing. You finally got him out the door and you closed it.

You started blushing so hard and just flopped into bed. "Where did this confidence come from Y/n?" you said to yourself while laughing.

Felix POV
'She... she just kissed me. I was trying to move but my body wasn't responding. I want to kiss her again so bad but goddamn body move.'

"Now get to practice fool" She said as she pushed me out of the suite. She finally got me out into the hallway and closed the door. I swear she winked as she did that.

Only once the door close did my body start responding again.

"You are such an idiot why did you just stand there" I said to myself as I smacked my face and walked down the hallway. Not realizing I was smiling. I made my way to the JYP building. Once I got to the practice room only Chan, Lee Know, Han and I.N. were there so far.

I guess I was still smiling because Han looked at me with a confused smile on his face.

"What has you smiling so widely, or should I saw who?" He said with a smirk. The rest of them looked towards you smugly.

"Well...." I went on and told them what happened.

By the end of me telling them they all looked at each other and nodded their head.

"What?" I said feeling left out.

"You like Y/n" they all said in unison. I started blushing a bit because I didn't think it would be that obvious.

"I- yeah" I said admitting defeat. They all laughed.

"You should tell her hyung, I'm sure she likes you too" I.N. said.

"But what if she doesn't like me like that, I have only known her for like 3 day...." I said my face falling a bit.

"Felix you might be the dumbest person alive, well maybe second dumbest, Changbin obviously taking first place" Lee Known said as he made eye contact with Changbin who just entered the room.

"YA!" Changbin said offended. The rest of the members followed behind him and laughed as they walked in.

"Don't worry hyung we still love you, even if you are dumb" Seungmin said and patted his back. The rest of the members got filled in but we had to start practice so they had to leave the topic till after.

We had just finished practice and were either on the floor trying to catch our breath or drinking water while panting in between sips.

"So guys how are we going to get Felix and Y/n together?" Han said in an oddly serious tone.

"Well first things first, Felix needs to confess" Hyunjin said as the rest of the members nodded agreeing. It was like a business meeting.

"Guys guys it's my love life let me plan it out myself" I said as I heard some of the members groan.

"Ok but you should do it soon. Even better if you could do it today, we got off practice at a reasonable hour for once. It is only 7" Lee Know said.

"Fine, I'll ask her if she has eaten supper yet" I said getting kind of nervous.


Hey Y/n, have you eaten yet?




Okay, I am going to come over with take out. I'll be there in 30 min :)



"Okay guys I'm going over in 30 min, here goes nothing" I said getting kind of jittery.

Fallen Out Of Your League [Felix x y/n]Where stories live. Discover now