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                 "At the start of the day he looked unfazed..." Wooyoung started. "But then around halfway through the day he came up to me and asked to talk in the hallway. I complied and went outside with him. He asked me if I knew. He started to cry a bit. I told him I did. I told him what you told Chan and said to leave you alone" He finished.

"Ok. Thank you for keeping with the act. I really don't want to fuck up his whole career. If he found out... I'm not sure what would happen to them"

Wooyoungs POV:

          "Can I talk to you in the hallway for a second" Felix asked

"Sure" Once we were out in the hallway he turned to me. His eyes glistening with tears tempting to fall.

"Did you know" Felix asked me.

"About what" I asked playing dumb a bit.

"About Y/n..."

"Oh that. I know, but do you?" I asked

"IF I DIDNT KNOW WHY WOULD I BE HERE ASKING YOU IF YOU KNEW" Felix raised his voice a bit and the tears started to fall.

"You don't know Felix. What she told chan isn't true. Let me tell you the truth" I stated calmly and his face contorted with confusion but also relief? Like he was waiting to be told he was wrong. I explained the whole situation to him.

"I- I need to see her" Felix said "I don't care if the world finds out"Felix said loudly. Chan came up from behind Felix.

"Don't care if the world finds out about what" Chan said voice stern. Felix had me tell Chan the whole story. After I was don't explaining Felix looks at Chan pleadingly.

"Please Chanie hyung. Our dating ban has lifted. It's not against the rules anymore. Sure it would make a scandale but I know their are a lot of fans who would be happy. And if there are fans who don't want us to be happy with whoever we choose, they shouldn't be a stay then" Felix tried to reason with Him.

"I would say yes but today we are packed full. Our schedule is tight. Doesn't she leave today?"

"No she leaves tomorrow. She is trying to get to the airport around 5" I informed them.

"Our schedule tomorrow lasts till 3:30 so you might be able to make it to the airport lix-"

"Hyungs break is over" Jeongin said.

"Ok we are coming" Chan replied "Thank you for telling us Wooyoung" Chan said before walking into the room. Felix following him from behind and giving you a smile. 

Y/n's POV:

Tonight is going to be your last sleep and your last dinner in Korea. Wooyoung suggested that you go out for dinner. Nothing fancy though. He wanted to take you to his favourite hole in the wall cafe. He said they have the best tteokbokki. They hand make their rice cakes and he has convinced you they are to die for. So of course after hearing this stellar review you had to go.

"Come on lets go! I'm getting hungry" he said putting his shoes on after resting for a short while after work.

"Ok ok I'm coming" You said chuckling. You two got out of the suite and headed to the lobby. Wooyoung said it was about a 15 minute walk. It was a perfect evening out. The sun was just at that golden hour stage and the air wasn't too cold or too hot it was just right. Wearing a skirt with stalkings and a sweater it was the perfect temperature.

Wooyoung suddenly stopped walking and turned to a small cafe. It wasn't too busy and it looked like a family business. 'This is probably the place'

"Here we are!" He said grabbing your hand and pushing the door open with his free one.

"Hello" Wooyoung said lightly bowing when he entered so you did the same.

"Oh Wooyoung! You brought a friend this time" The older lady who was working up front said. "Maybe a girlfriend?..." She said when she looked down at your hands and wiggled her eyebrows with the word girlfriend.

"Hahahaha no~ I would say more like a sister, or best friend. Anyways, could I order the usual and 2 sprites"

"Sure! Sit wherever you would like" She said. Wooyoung scanned the room until his eyes landed on a small booth table. He started walking towards it pulling you with him.

"Every time I have ever come here I sit here. I'm glad no one took this spot" He said running his hands along the table and looking around at the other people in the cafe.

"The lady over there seems to know you well. Are you two relatives?" You asked

"Nope! I just come here often and she was very friendly from the start" He said with a smile as he saw the same lady from earlier walking over with a hot bowl and 2 drinks on a tray.

"Here you go kids" She said placing the cups and bowl on your table. You couldn't lie this looked and smelt delicious. She turned to face you.

"I'm Choi Jiwoo! But you can call me Aunty. What is your name beautiful" she asked you. Thank gosh you have been touching up on your Korean, you could actually understand what she was saying.

"I'm Y/n, nice to meet you Aunty" You said doing a slight head bow.

"She's adorable" she said whispering to Wooyoung using her hand to cover her mouth so you couldn't see or hear. It worked. She walked away and Wooyoung picked up his chopsticks.

"Let's eat shall we! I want to know what you think" He said grabbing a scoop and putting it in his smaller bowl. You did the same. After blowing on it a bit to cool it down you ate it. Your eyes opened wide and you met Wooyoungs.

"This is so good!" You said and continued to eat more.

"I'm so glad you like it" He said.

That was the perfect way for a last supper. Nothing fancy but it might have beat out almost everything else you ate this whole trip.

"If I ever come back I want that to be the first thing I eat. I don't think I can wait that long actually. You might have to mail me some" You said walking back home with Wooyoung after stuffing yourself with the best tteokbokki you have ever had.

He started to laugh at you.

"HEY! Why are you laughing I'm being serious" you said, you yourself starting to laugh as well.

"I-" He tried to say something but he couldn't stop laughing.

"Shut up" You said lightly pushing him and laughing as well.

"You better come back to Korea to see me once I debut" Wooyoung said after you both calmed down.

"I'm not sure you would want that. We both know what happens when I hang out with idols" You said trying to smile through it but failing.

"I dont care. I'll tell them you are my adopted sister. If my parents met you they would 100% go along with it" He said wrapping his arm around your shoulders.

Soon enough you two were back at the hotel. Once you got back into your suite it was 10 and you both where exhausted.

"In the morning I will start packing up my things. Do you have work?" You said after changing into PJs and plopping onto the bed.

"Not in the morning I don't but at 5 I have to go to KQ. I won't be able to bring you to the airport. I'm really sorry" He said hugging you.

"It's ok! You have done so much for me. I don't need you to be with me when I leave. We can say goodbye when you go" You said hugging him back.

"I'll help you pack if you want me to in the morning"

"Perfect" You said before turning so that your arm was laying on his chest and your head was by his shoulder.

"Good night love" He said before turning off the light.

"Night my love"

Fallen Out Of Your League [Felix x y/n]Where stories live. Discover now