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                     You woke up to the morning light beaming into the bedroom. 'What a nice way to wake up' Today felt like one of those days where you could conquer the world. Maybe not conquer, but you knew it was going to be a good day. 

As you laid in bed, eyes tempted to close and thought drift away your phone rang. It was Felix. "Hello?" You asked. 

"Hello!" He said cheerfully. "Wait did I just wake you up?" 

"Yeah" You said, rubbing your eyes and getting out of bed. Walking over to the kitchen. 

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't think that you would be asleep"

 "It's ok, don't worry. What time is it-" You said as you looked at the time on the microwave. 


"See I was calling to see if you wanted to meet up with me and the guys. We are going to lotto world to film a show. Since the staff already know that you are a friend of ours, and they won't tell anyone because they are under contract plus very nice. You can come and ride some rides with us once we are done filming. They have given us some free time afterwards." He explained. 

"Really? They would let me come?" You asked, surprised that the staff would be so ok with you tagging along. 

"Yep. We asked them already" 

"Ok! I would love to come. Where should I meet you and what time?" 

"We don't need to be on the bus to get there until 10pm. But I wouldn't mind to spend some time with you before" He said.

"Sure! When would you like to meet then?" You asked, getting excited to see him again.

"How about at 2? I can meet you at the café"

"That sounds good. See you then" He could probably hear your smile through the phone. That gives you an hour and a bit to get ready. That's lots of time.

Once he said goodbye you hung up and started getting ready. Breakfast, shower, get dressed and watch some YouTube since you have some extra time. Once it was 1:50 you headed out the door to the café.

Once you got to the café it was 1:57. You found an unoccupied table to sit and wait for him. You were just starting out the window, at nothing in particular when someone tapped you on the shoulder.

"Is this seat taken?" They asked gesturing to the chair across from you. That voice it was so familiar- FELIX. You turned your head around to be met with the face you have missed. You stood up and hugged him. His arms wrapped around you, breathing in your scent. The person he has been longing to see is in his arms again.

"I missed you" You said, voice muffled by your mask and his neck.

"I missed you too" You let out a long sigh, comforted that you weren't the only one feeling this way. He slowly pulled himself away from you.

"Let's go?" He said, taking hold of your hand.

"Mhm" You hummed. Too lost in his eyes to use words. His mask covered up the freckles that you adore.  He led you out of the café and down the street. Not holding hands anymore. He realized that you two were out in public in broad daylight, and even though masks help they don't completely eliminate the chance of being recognized.

"Oh, I forgot to ask, where are we going?" You asked him. You didn't care where you went but you just wanted to be extra cautious. Even though you trust him you don't want your heart to do all the thinking. Who knows, behind the kind exterior could be a kidnapper...

Hahahahha but who were you kidding. Even if he was a kidnapper you would gladly be kidnapped.

"We are going to go to the JYP building and just hang out there for a bit, plus I just need to do 1 thing I forgot about. I hope you don't mind" He stopped walking just to make sure you were ok with it.

"Okay, I don't mind at all" You said, smiling at him. Even though you had a mask on he could see in your eyes that you were smiling. 

Once you arrived at the JYP building you were greeted a little more friendlier then the first time. You got in the elevator, getting off at the same floor as last time you assumed you were going to the dance studio. 

Correct you were when you arrived at the same door as a couple of days ago. 

"Y/n, can you wait out here for a second. I just need to check if they are filming" Felix asked stopping before opening the door. You nodded and watched him go into the room.

"You can come in" Felix said peeking his head from around the corner. Walking closer to the door you could here 2 other people and some music. Once you walked in it immediately made sense of why there were only 2 other people. The 2 were Minho and Hyunjin. The DanceRacha.

"Hello" You said as you walked in adding a bow. 

"I'm surprised you brought her" Minho said to Felix. 

"Why?" Felix said sounding slightly offended.

"Because we have roughly 4 hours of practice and choreography to do" Minho stated with a blank face.

"WHAT! You texted me saying 5 minutes!"

"Felix, Check our texts" Felix pulled out his phone and went through their texts. His face dropped.

"Shit, I swear I read minutes not hours" Felix said, turning to face you. He looked a little embarrassed.

"Y/n, I'm really sorry. I need to be here for 4-5 hours. I thought Minho hyung said minutes but I was mistaken. If you want you can leave and go do something else" He said. Head hung low.

"It's okay really. I'll stay and watch you guys. I think it will be fun" You said giving him a smile, this time he can see all of your beautiful features.

"Ok. But if you get bored you can leave anytime you want ok. Don't feel obliged to stay" He walked over to the other two and they started their warm up and talking. You found yourself a spot on the couch and got comfortable. 

It was actually more entertaining than you thought it would be. It had been about 2 hours when Chan and Han walked in. 

"Oh. Y/n hi!" Chan said walking over to you. DanceRacha took a little break to see why they came. 

"We stopped by to see if you guys wanted anything, we are headed over to the café" Chan asked the guys.

"That sound really good actually" Hyunjin said, the other 2 agreeing.

"Ok. Iced Americanos right?" They all nodded their head. 

"Y/n want to come with us?" Han asked. Your legs were getting a little sore and fresh air would be nice so you agreed.

"Ok we will be back in a bit" Chan said before you all walked out of the studio and out of the building.

Fallen Out Of Your League [Felix x y/n]Where stories live. Discover now