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The bus came to a stop and the staff all got off quickly and you all followed. Once you stepped out of the bus your eyes were met with the dazzling lights of Lotte World.

"Wow- It's so pretty" You said in awe. When you finally pried your eyes off the lights to look at the guys, they were already getting hustled by the staff. Felix got away from the staff for a second and made his way over to you.

"Shooting wont take too long, maybe an hour and a half. You can do whatever you want as long as it's quiet and you don't get in the shot. If you do the staff will probably kill you and me both" Felix explained. "I'm sorry today has been filled with so much waiting for you" He said as he engulfed you in a hug.

"It's ok, really. I don't mind waiting, especially if it's for you" Squeezing him a little tighter before letting go so he can get back to the members. When he pulled away a blush was spread across his cheeks.

"Ok, I'll see you in a bit" He said before running off.

It had been an hour and you could sense that it was going to end soon ish.

"Y/n?" You whipped your head around to see who said your name.

"Wooyoung!" You said with a bright smile on your face. 'My savior has come to cure my boredom'

"What are you doing here?" he asked confused. "Wait- are you Straykids' friend?"

"Yeah hahah. I'm surprised you remember my name"

"It wasn't that long ago. Plus it's hard to forget such a pretty face" He said with a wink. Your cheeks got a little flush. He reached out to touch your face.

"You're cute when you are flustered" He said while brushing his thumb on your cheek. You smiled and laughed a bit before removing his hand.

"What is your job here?" You asked trying to change the topic.

"I help with the sound, if the mic packs have a problem, or the sound isn't coming in correctly I'm the guy" He said. You successfully changed the topic. You two talked for the rest of the time just waiting for the shoot to be over.

"Hey Y/n we just finished shooting, We have 30 minutes to do whatever we want!" Felix said. He took one look at Wooyoung and shot daggers at him with his eyes.

"Ok! Let's go" You said with a big smile and grabbed his hand to lead him away Wooyoung as fast as possible.

"I don't like him" Felix said holding your hand tight looking straight forward.


"Wooyoung, he keeps flirting with you"

"Aww are you jealoussssssssssssssssssss" You said, dragging out the s for dramatic effect. Felix got more pouty.

"Ok, okay. I'm sorry. But you don't have to even worry about him, I only see him as a friend. And who cares if he flirts with me. I wont flirt back. I only want to flirt with you" On the 'you' you booped him on him nose.

"Y/n! Felix! Let's go on the pirate ship again!" Jeongin yell while the guys were already getting on.

"OK COMING!!!" You yelled back and ran to the ship pulling Felix along until he eventually matched your pace.

The rest of the 30 minutes were fully filled with all the rides you could do. Being at an amusement park with the boys brought out all of your inner children. Running around until your parents told you it was time to leave.

The staff had fully packed up the equipment when it was time for you all to get back into the bus. Once back at the JYP building the time was 12:30 and everyone was very tired.

"Let me walk you home. It isn't safe for you to go alone at this hour" Wooyoung said approaching you. Felix had to get something he left in the practice room earlier, if he were there he wouldn't even want Wooyoung to talk to you.

"I'm just staying at the hotel near by. It only a 10 minute walk" You said not wanting him to go out of his way to walk you home.

"Oh I know the hotel I think is it the really fancy one just down the street?"

"Yep that's the one"

"I live a couple blocks past there anyways so I won't be going out of the way at all" He said with a sweet smile.

"Ok then. Thank you. Let's go?" You said excepting his offer. You would have wanted Felix to walk you home instead, but it's late and his dorm is in the exact opposite direction of the hotel. He needs his sleep, you don't want him getting sick because of you.

"Let's" He said and you walked out of the building. You shot Felix a text saying where you went and why, and goodbye of course. You also thought to give him a quick call incase he didn't check his texts. You heard the line pick up you thought but when no one answered the call you assumed it was just a glitch and put your phone back in your pocket.


"Yeah?" You asked puzzled at the change of attitude. From this confident guy to this stuttering boy.

"Are you and Felix dating?" He blurted out.

"no..." You said kind of disappointed that what you said was the truth. But knowing fair well that it would never be a good thing for his career. Dating scandals always have a negative response, especially if an idol is dating a nobody. Felix is too good for you anyways. He deserves a girl as pretty as Tzuyu from twice. Not a nobody from Australia.

"But you like each other don't you"

"I like him but I'm not sure if he likes me as much as I like him"

"What makes you say that?"

"He's an idol, I'm just- I am just a nobody. I'm not from a rich family, I'm not famous, I'm not pretty like all the other girls in his industry, I don't have the brains to invent something and become rich. I'm just a girl who got to play the "Y/n" in a short cringy FanFiction" You said pouring all the thought you had this last few days out to Wooyoung.

"Y/n, if I'm going to be honest I think he likes you just as much as you like him. I see the way he looks at you, how he acts around you. And hell who cares if you aren't rich or famous. You are pretty, smart, and you have an amazing personality. You don't even have to do something to make the room you walk into brighten. And you are incredibly sociable. I know the first time I saw you, it was like being pulled into your aura. That's why I came over to you. And when talking to you it was like talking to an old friend. It's really comfortable talking to you even if I barely know you" Wooyoung said. His words making you become flush in the cheeks.

Felix Pov:

*About 10 minutes back*

"Where is my hat" I said looking around the practice room. I dug back into my pockets to double check that I don't have it. I started feeling around in my pockets 'Phone, Airpods, hat... HAT'?!?!? I pulled out my hat to see if it was the one I was looking for.

"OH MY GOSH IT WAS ON ME THE WHOLE TIME" I yelled at myself. I heard mumbling coming from my phone. I pulled it out to see what was happening.

I'm on a call with Y/n? And I'm muted, huh I must have pressed things when I was searching around my pockets.

I put my phone to my ear to know what was happening not taking myself off of mute. Y/n was taking to someone but I don't recognize the voice, and that's when I heard it.

"Y-y/n..." It's Wooyoung! Why is she talking with Wooyoung. Normally I don't like eavesdropping but I couldn't stop myself.

*Back to where I left off*

Knowing that this is how she sees herself breaks my heart. And for the first and probably the last time I agree with Wooyoung.

Fallen Out Of Your League [Felix x y/n]Where stories live. Discover now