Epilogue Pt. 6

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Today was Ateez's debut day!

You all woke up bright and early. All the guys were jittering with nerves and excitement.

You took it upon yourself to make them all breakfast. A fruity smoothie and some bacon and eggs.

The members were all ready for the day when they sat down at the table to all eat.

"Ok guys, I know today is going to be a long and tiring day. And everyone is filled with nerves, but this, this is our day to show the world what we got! We have been training this whole time for this moment. And I am confident in every one of you! So let's eat this food that y/n has prepared for us and do our very best!" Hongjoon said. The table broke into discussion as everyone ate.

Soon enough everyone was piling out the door and Felix was downstairs to pick you up. From now to their debut stage the boys had a lot to do. To not get in their way you decided to go back and hang out with Felix and the rest of Stray Kids.

~~~time skip to after the debut stage~~~

"OH MY GOSH YOU GUYS DID SO WELL!!!" You said, bouncing into the back room for Ateez. You gave all of them big hugs. "I'm so proud of you woo, all of you actually!" You said giving Wooyoung a tight squeeze, tearing up a bit.

"Thank you so much Y/n!" Yunho said.

"Your support means the world to us!" Hongjoon added. The warm tears started to roll down your cheeks.

"Oh Y/n, don't cry~ your gonna make me cry" Wooyoung said with a big sappy smile. You and him just hugged for a bit letting your sniffles die out.

After congratulating them some more, you and Felix left the studio. Felix and you drove back to Felix's dorm.

Your flight back to Australia was in 2 days.

You and Felix arrived back safely at the dorm. Felix said he wanted to take you out for supper tonight. So you went to get changed and then you were back in the car. You didn't drive too far.

You two arrived to a small family owned restaurant at the top of some village hill.

"They make some of the best Korean hot plate dishes I have ever had" Felix said as you two got out of the car. One he came around the car you two locked hands.

"Sounds good!" You said happily, willing to eat anything as long as it meant spending time with Felix.

Opening the door of the restaurant you were greeted by an adorable old lady, and the delicious smells of food.

"Hello Felix! Brought your cute girlfriend you have told me about before?" She said to him.

"Yes! Y/n this is the owner of the restaurant, Ms Hong. Ms Hong this is Y/n, my girlfriend" Felix said. You greeted her with a deep bow and she brought you to your seats.

"I'll just get two serving of my regular please" Felix said. Ms Hong nodded and walked away.

"I hope that's ok" Felix said to you.

"It's fine! I trust your taste is good, you did pick me so you have to have some sensibility" You said, batting your eyes sarcastically. You both laughed.

"I sure do have good taste don't I" Felix said, reaching his hand out to ruffle your hair.

The two of you shared small talk till the food arrived. When it did you two dug in. Just as felix said it was delicious. All the flavours just danced together in your mouth. It was spicy but not too spicy. It was just right.

"Y/n... will you come live with me in the dorm? Or at least come live in Seoul..." Felix said, slightly hesitant not knowing how you were gonna react.

"Felix you know I would love to move here. I just don't have that kind of money" You said with a sigh.

"I'll pay for the flight and all the moving costs. You can come live in the dorm it will be rent feee. All of the guys agreed and the company agreed. Please y/n... I can't go another 6 months without you" Felix said, sounding slightly desperate at the end.

"Felix, that's all great. But I still don't have the ability to stay legally. Getting residency takes a long time. The only way that could happen would be if we got married or something. But I'm not expecting that kind of sacrifice from you" You said.

"Well that's why I prepared this-" Felix said as he reached into his pocket and got out of his chair. Slowly got down on one knee and presented you will a small velvety box.

"Y/n L/n, will you marry me?" Felix said with tears in his eyes.

It felt like the breath was knocked out of you. The whole world was put on pause and it was only him and you.

"Felix~... yes.. Yes! Of course I'll marry you!!!" You said and got out of your seat.

Felix slid the beautiful diamond ring on to your finger. You were both crying when you pulled each other into a hug. Giving him the most loving kiss you have ever before.

Hi guys! I'm going to be trying to wrap up this book with the next chapter. It might be a while till I release it, and it might be a bit lengthy but we will see. It won't be more than a month though 😭. I just wanted to apologize again for all the long wait times in-between chapters. I've just really hit a wall and have no motivation 😭😭😭 plus school and volleyball has been kicking my ass🥲. Stay safe and healthy everyone 💕💕💕

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