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As soon as Chan left the apartment you couldn't stop crying. The words you said, the way you could see the pain on his face. You regretted it all. The floor was comfortable, the cold greeting your heart like a friend that understands your pain 'But I'm protecting then in the long run'

You sat there for what felt like years. Your eyes ran dry and the tiles on the floor had gotten warm from your body. As you stood up your body ached, legs almost giving out once you fully stood up. And even though you stood up slowly you got light headed.

You walked to the shower and ran a bath. You sat down painfully slow. The hot water slowly enveloping your body. You could have kept crying but you truly had no tears left to cry. You looked at you phone and was tempted to call Felix. To hear him answer the phone, his voice could cure any problem you had. Too bad you were the problem.

You got out of the bath and got changed into some comfy clothes. 'I need to get out of this house, it reeks of sadness'

You picked up your phone to call Wooyoung, praying he would pick up.

"Hello?" Wooyoung answered, now just to hope he isn't busy.

"Hey Woo, it's y/n. I was wondering if you were busy?"

"Oh hey! It's your lucky day! I am not busy"

"Can I come over to your house?"

"Oh, sure it's ** **** "

"Perfect I'll be their in 15 min"

"Can I ask why you want to come over all of a sudden?" He asked slightly concerned.

"I'll let you when I get there. I hope you have snacks and tissues ready for me when I get there"

"Of course. See you soon"

"See you" And you hung up. Grabbing your keys and locking your suite. There was a direct bus from the hotel to his place. Just as you got to the bus stop the bus pulled up. Besides from the obvious, the everyday things seem to be favouring you today.

You got to his appartement and buzzed the number he gave you.

"Hello, It's y/n" you said as soon as the line picked up. The door buzzed open. Once at his door you gave it a brief knock. And it opened almost immediately.

"Hey y/n- your eyes are so red are you ok?" He asked as soon as he saw your eyes and the bags under them. You shook your head and fell into his chest. He pulled you close and inside his apartment and kicked the door close.

"hey hey what's wrong don't cry, I'm here I'm here" he kept telling you sweet things until you calmed down. By now you were sitting on his couch still in his arms. Slowly you told him everything that happened. You showed him the scabs and bruises that formed on your arms for the girl.

"I'm so sorry that happened to you y/n" He said, his eyes looked softly at you as he still held you close. You wanted to just close your eyes for a second. You ended up falling asleep.

Chan's POV:

I got out of the elevator and started walking back to the company. I pulled my hoodie over my head. I could see the rain coming. About half way there it started to rain. As the rain soaked into the concrete I could smell the rain. Even though I was getting soaked in the process the smell and feeling calmed me down. Bringing me back to when I was younger and used to run around in the rain with friends.

I finally got to the company. Over the walk I mulled over what I should say. I decided on just telling them the truth, or at least what y/n tells me.

"Hey chan- what's wrong" Felix said. He can see through me the best. All the other members turned to face me.

"I think you guys should all sit down" They all formed a circle and sat down.

"So..." I went on to explain what happened. Once I finished Felix stood up and walked out of the practice room.

"I'll go" Changbin said as he went to follow Felix.

"Do you believe what she said..?" Han asked.

"I'm not sure anymore" I replied. We all stood up in silence and left to the dorm.

When we got there Changbin was already sitting on the couch.

"Is he in his room?" I asked.

"Yeah" Changbin said. I quickly took a shower.

After I walked to his room and lightly knocked on the door before opening it.

"Hey lix" I asked softly, walking towards the lump under the covers. I crouched by the side of the bed. There was a little bit of shuffling until a head popped out. His eyes were red and he looked so broken.

"I'm sorry I'm so sorry" I said, lifted up his blanket and climbed in with him and held him in my arms.

After a dozen sniffles his breathing steadied and fell asleep. Still holding on I fell asleep as well.

Fallen Out Of Your League [Felix x y/n]Where stories live. Discover now