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          You opened the door to see a dangerously handsome figure standing in front of you.

"Why hello there.? I'm looking for a Y/n L/n. Her hair is normally a bit messy and is wearing sweats, but she is still adorable" He said in a teasing tone while peeking behind you 'looking' for you.

"Hey!" You said and playfully slapped his arm.

"You look so beautiful Y/n" He said. His tone was sweet as if it had been laced with honey. Just those few words made you blush a deep shade of pink.

"Y-you look really good.." You said as you tried to hide your flushed face. You heard him let out a slight chuckle. 'I guess I didn't do a very good job at covering it up.'

"Let's go shall we?" He held out his hand so you could lock yours with his. You took his hand as he led you down the hall to the elevator. 

"Where are we going?" You asked him. 

"It's a surprise" He said as he squeezed your hand a bit. You got out of the elevator. 

There was no one in the lobby thankfully. You still weren't exactly comfortable with the fact that if anyone saw you two together it could cause a huge problem for him and his group. Even though Felix and you are wearing  a mask and this hotel has top security something could still go wrong and it made you anxious. 

He brought you to the sleek black car that was waiting for you guys outside of the hotel. He opened the passenger side door to let you in.

"Thank you" You sat down in the car and he closed the door. "Wow this car is fancy" You said to yourself as you looked at the console. You heard the drivers side door open. Felix put on his seat belt and started up the car. 

"Is this your car?" You asked him as he drove away from the hotel. 

"No actually. It's Chan's he just lets me borrow it sometimes" He said laughing a bit. "I don't drive enough to need one all to myself" 

"Ah that makes sense. Will you tell me where we are going now?" You said giving him slight puppy dog eyes. He was looking at the road so he couldn't pay attention to the face you made.

"Patience baby" He said as he put his hand on your thigh, thumb drawing small circles into it. Not far up enough to notice the garter yet. You couldn't lie, you loved the pet name. His hand on your thigh filled your stomach with butterflies. 

You finally arrived at your destination it was a pretty fancy looking restaurant. It was close to the beach so it probably had a really nice view of the sunset. 

"Wow it is so pretty here!" You said as you stepped out of the car.

"Come this way. I have a separate room booked for us" He said as he re-laced your fingers together and brought you to a side entrance. You almost forgot that he was idol and being seen outside especially on a date would cause some commotion. 

"Hi, I have a reservation for 2" Felix said to the staff at the door.


"Lee Felix"

"Right this way sir"

The staff brought you two to a secluded room with a beautiful view. Felix and you both sat down and the staff started to explain the menu and drinks. Thankfully he could speak pretty good English. 

"I will give you two a moment to decide on what you would like" He said as he walked out of the room.

"What would you like to get?" Felix asked you as you scanned the menu

Fallen Out Of Your League [Felix x y/n]Where stories live. Discover now