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The past few days you and Wooyoung had been spending lots of time together. He would go to practice or work everyday around 8:45pm and get home some time around 5. Not all the time does he see Felix at work. It's only when they film something. So neither of you were sure how he was doing.

2 days left till you leave. Tomorrow is take off day. Plane leaves at 7pm

Today was the first day he would be seeing Felix at work since the incident.

You woke up to hear the shower running. You look at the clock and it reads 8:12am. 'I should make some breakfast for him so that once he's dressed he can eat and leave on time'

You got up and out of bed and trudged your way to the kitchen, stretching here and there. "Hmmm what to make... OOH how about some crepes and a smoothie" you said to yourself and got to work.

Just finishing cooking the last of the crepes you heard the shower stop. Your timing was pretty good, you just needed to set up the table and you were good to go. You made a banana, strawberry and mango smoothie. For crepe topping you had whipped cream and fresh strawberries, bananas and mango. Sure you used the same fruits as the smoothie but he won't care.

You heard the bathroom door open and your head spun around as you finished putting everything on the table.

"Good morning Woo. I made breakfast. Come eat once you are ready"

"Ok I'll be ready soon I just need to change" He replied. He might not have been wearing a shirt when he got out of the bathroom and all he had was a towel wrapped around his waist. His upper body was built beautifully, toned abs, nice V line and god knows what else. You were a little flustered by it but, it just wasn't romance. Of course he was attractive, but you just didn't like him like that.

After around 3 minutes he was walking over to sit at the table.

"This looks delicious Y/n!" Wooyoung said giving you a huge smile.

"Let's dig in shall we!" You said and grabbed a crepe. Everything tasted wonderful. You couldn't lie your cooking skills were pretty good.

"This is amazing Y/n!!!" Woo said with a small mouthful.

"I'm glad you like it!" You said giving him a smile before you continued to eat.

It was not long before you guys had finished the stack of crepes. It was 8:40am.

"I need to get going, but thank you so much for breakfast it was the best I have had in a while" He said and gave you a big hug.

"Of course! I love to cook for others" You said tightening the hug a bit before hustling him out of the house so that he isn't late for work.

"Oh Woo..?" You said as he was about to close the door. He turned around to look at you. "When you get back can you tell me about how Felix looks..." You said, gripping onto your sweater paws. "Of course my love" He said and gave you a sweet smile. You mouthed a thank you before he left. You loved the pet names. They felt right between the 2 of you. You knew how the other felt when you used them, it was a comfort thing for you. All platonic of course but you both still meant every word.

Once he was gone all the thoughts that you fought so hard to keep down resurfaced. Wooyoung had told you he was going to be coming back after work and today he wasn't going to be gone for long. He would be home around 5. But the feeling of loneliness enclosed around you. Enveloping your body mind and soul.

You curled up with a blanket in front of the tv and tried to find something to watch. Anything to distract you. Scrolling through Netflix you stopped at haikyuu. 'Perfect a show with no romance and that is entertaining' Even though you already have watched all the seasons it still hits different every time. An anime about High school volleyball is way too entertaining for its own good. After about 5 episodes you found yourself dozing off.

You woke up from the sound the tv made when Hinata spiked the ball into the ground. Looking at the clock it read 4:30pm, 'did I really sleep for that long...' you stood up to stretch and lifted your arms. An unpleasant smell wafted in the air and you immediately put your arms down. 'Welp that's my que to take a shower'

You opened the bathroom door after your shower. And had only changed into a different pair of pyjamas. You heard some fumbling at the door.

"Woo?" You said, slightly sceptical about who would be making such little noise. Maybe a robber?!?! You grabbed the closest weapon. Which was a glass plate.

"Hello?!" You said louder as you approached the shuffling. Plate above your head ready to swing.

"Hi Y/n I'm ho-... me" He said looking at you puzzled. "Did- AHAHAHAHAHAH WERE YOU GOING TO HIT A ROBBER WITH A PLATE" He asked you laughing his head off. Wiping away some tears too.

"I- shut up" You said pouty, lowering the plate and walking off to the kitchen.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry but that was just so funny, you didn't look scary at all. And a plate seriously" He said following you after taking off his shoes. Still finding it hard to make out a full sentence without laughing.

You turned to him to scowl. At this point you were trying not to crack up as well. But you had to keep some pride.

"Don't- hahahahah. Don't look at me like that. You know it was hilarious" He said laughing even more then falling to his knees.

Your straight face started to curve into a smile and before you could hold back you were laughing too. 'Screw pride this is hilarious'

After you were both done your laughing fit you two started to talk about his day at work. You told him about watching haikyuu as well.

"You wanted to hear about how Felix was doing right?" He asked

"Yeah..." you said. Worried about what he might say. No matter what he said it would hurt. If he said he looked like he was ok it would hurt. That would mean he isn't effected and never cared. But if he did look hurt... we'll you would feel guilty. Mad at yourself for making the worlds best ball of sunshine, not sunny at all.

"At the start of the day he looked unfazed..." Wooyoung started.

Fallen Out Of Your League [Felix x y/n]Where stories live. Discover now