Authors Note

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Hello! This is the first fan fiction I have ever written so it is probably a bit cringy. I started writing this book for a friend and it was fun for me to write. I don't expect too much out of this book, hahaha. I will try my best to post as often as I can.

If a character is speaking in Korean it will be bolded.

If someone is speaking in their head it will be 'italicized' with apostrophes. When a character reads something it will also be italicized. Like reading an E-mail, or a letter.

Please note that how I have written the group and others does not portray how they are in real life. They may have similarities but all in all these are separate people and are purely fictional :)

I will try my best to post as often as I can.

EDIT: school has been kicking my ass and I have had only small bursts of motivation so updates are just as often as I can do it 🫶🏼😭

Also if you know me in real life. No you don't :D

I hope you enjoy reading!

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