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         You woke up and were still on the couch, except Felix was missing. You stood up and saw a bit of light coming from under the bathroom door. 'Ah, he must have gotten up to use the bathroom'  you thought. You walked over to your bed and got under the covers. Looking over at your clock it read 3am. 'No wonder I'm so tired'. You quickly drifted off to sleep.

You woke up and Felix was asleep beside you. All you could see was the back of his head. His hair was messily sticking out and it looked a bit like a baby chick was beside you. It was 10am. You remember Felix mention he didn't have work today, so you thought to just let him sleep while you made breakfast.

You decided to make some French toast. It was now 11am and you were almost done. You heard some shuffling around and looked to see Felix climbing out of bed. 

"The sleeping prince has risen!" You announced. You saw him walking towards the bathroom. His hair still sticking up and bouncing a bit with every step. 

"Good morning" He said. His voice way deeper than usual. "HEY! Why didn't you tell me my hair was so bad" He said coming out of the bathroom with a pout on his face as he tried to pat down his hair. 

"Because it's cute. There is a hair brush in the bathroom drawer if you want to use it" You said, giggling at his cuteness.

"Thanks, you're cuter" He walked back off to the bathroom mumbling the last part so you couldn't hear.

"What are you making?" He asked as he walked out of the bathroom, hair magically perfect now.

"French toast, but I just finished. I have already set the table so you can just go take a seat and I'll bring them over" You said with a smile as you took the last one off the pan.

You brought the plate of toast over to where he was sitting.

"It looks delicious Y/n! You didn't have to make food for me though" He said with a big smile as he took some toast off the plate.

"I did promise to make food for you next time. Plus I enjoy cooking" You said taking some for yourself as well.

He took a big bite of the food and his face lit up with a huge smile.

"Wow, this is so good!" He said giving you a big thumbs up. You guys continued to eat with occasional small talk.

Felix stood up and headed to the kitchen grabbing the plates as he went. 

"Hey Y/n" Felix called from the kitchen.


"I'm going to head over to my dorm for a bit and get ready. I will be back in 4 hours to pick you up for our date" He said as he walked over to you and gave you a back hug. His arms perfectly slipped around your waist and he kissed the top of your head. 

To be completely honest you forgot about your date tonight. You had been too focused on breakfast and just being with him in that moment that it just slipped your mind.

"What kind of date? What should I wear" You asked him.

"Anything you want I'm sure you will look good no matter what" He said as he took his arms away and walked towards the door. Your back now colder from the lack of contact.

"But- Okay I will see you in 4 hours" You waved him good bye as you closed the door behind him. You checked the time and it was now 1pm.

"Okay Y/n, lets find something cute"

You went through the closet looking for anything that wasn't jeans, sweatpants, and hoodies. You finally found the perfect dress. The dress was a bit on the shorter side it reached just about the middle of your thigh.

The dress was red and the skirt part was lightly ruffled which made it sway a bit. The top part was tightly fitted. The straps were black and tied around your neck instead of attached at the back of the dress. It had a black laced up back similar to how a corset is. For shoes you wore short healed black lace up boots. 

You did your make up and hair and found some small silver accessories. You were just looking through your bags to see if there was something else you were missing and found the black garter your bff gave you as a joke gift. 

"Why not" You said as you grabbed it out of your bag. You put it on but so you could only see it if the dress lifted up.

You looked at the time and it was already 4:45. You saw you had a text from Felix sent 10min ago.


I will be at your place in 25 minutes. See you soon :D


Okay perfect! See you :)

You did some last minute touching up and before you knew it someone was knocking at your door.

"COMING!!!" You yelled as you walked to the door.

You opened the door to see a dangerously handsome figure standing in front of you.

"Why hello there. I'm looking for a Y/n L/n. Her hair is normally a bit messy and is wearing sweats, but she is still adorable" He said in a teasing tone while peeking behind you 'looking' for you. 

Fallen Out Of Your League [Felix x y/n]Where stories live. Discover now