Epilogue Pt. 7 END

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It had been about 2 months since Felix and you got engaged.

The wedding planning has been going smoothly. You both told your families right away after it first happened. Everyone you have told so far has been super happy for you two! Everyone... but some stay.

It was to be expected that not all stay would be happy for Felix. The industry is normally super strict on dating. And if it happens it's normally kept a secret. To feed into the delusion that Kpop idols are your "boyfriend/girlfriend". It's honestly kinda sick.

You have gotten some hate. But also a lot of support. SKZ also had a comeback last month and they are doing just as well as normal! So it's nice to see that this hasn't effected the whole group so much. It might've in fact spread the word of straykids, since it's so rare for idols to date and get married. Let alone while their group is still together.

Anyways, the wedding date is in 2 weeks. You guys have picked a beautiful location in Jeju. Both of your families are flying in and only close friends have been invited. Trying to keep it small. Of course the members of Stray kids have all be invited, as well as Ateez.

The two of you plan to have a week honeymoon in Australia. Then fly back to Seoul so he can continue his career.

~2 weeks later (Day of the wedding) 1 hr till you walk down the aisle~

"I'm so nervous, what if I trip and fall on my face! What if I forget my vows! WHAT IF-" You said getting more and more worried.

"What if you calm down. What if you walk down that aisle and make everyone's daws drop. What if you say your vows and it brings tears to everyone's eyes. What if." You best friend said, holding onto your shoulders. "Life is full of what if's. But no matter what I know that Felix will love you. There is no what if. Also I have worked way too hard on your hair for you to trip and fall on your face" Your best friend said laughing. You started laughing too.

"Thank you. I really needed that" You said and gave her a big hug.

"Any time" She said.

*nock nock nock* you heard at the door

"Y/n? It's dad. It's time to walk down the aisle"

"You got this" Your best friend whispered to you with a wide smile.

You opened the door. Your dad in a suit.

"Let's go?" He said with a smile. You nodded.

You walked down the aisle. Time seemed to move slower. Even though you only walked for 30 seconds it felt like an eternity. All of your happy memories with Felix came flooding by one by one.

You reached the end. Greeted by Felix's warm gaze.

"I love you" He said

"I love you so much" You replied, eyes already starting to water.

~time skip to after the wedding (on the plane to Australia)~

Today has been a long day for the two of you. You had fallen asleep on Felix's shoulder before the flight even took off. The last thing you remember is Felix's fingers lacing with yours and tracing random shapes into the back of your hand.

"Felix, we landed" You said. Somewhere in between the flight you had woken up and Felix was now the one asleep.

The two of you got off the plane and made your way to the car rentals.

The press wasn't informed of your arrival in Australia. That way you could have your privacy. They would be told 3 hr after you landed. And then also 3hr after you landed back in Seoul.

Of course you got recognized in the airport, but it was just friendly stays. And a few scared ones that took photos from afar.

The drive to the honeymoon suite wasn't too long. Only 30 min. You got a secluded room by the ocean.

"Wow this place is so pretty!" You said, walking with your bags in your hands to the room.

"It really is" Felix said.

You opened the door. The suite wasn't super large. It had a master bedroom with a shower and bath attached. And then a living room/dining room. And a medium sized kitchen.

You made your way to the bedroom. As soon as you put your bags down you plopped right onto the bed and let out a happy sigh.

Felix came running into the room and jumped on top of you. Holding your face in both hands and kissing your forehead.

"Is my wife happy" He said as he kept kissing all over your face, avoiding your lips.

You grabbed onto his face to stop the kisses.

"Your wife is very happy" You said, bringing him in for a quick kiss. "But you know what would make me happier?" You asked.

"What?" He asked with a smirk. "Is it maybe this?" He said letting you of your face and using one hand to slowly move up your thigh.

You didn't even reply, and just brought him in for another kiss. Longer and more passionate than the last. You pulled away slightly out of breath.

"I'm all yours"

AHHHHH OK IM FINALLY DONE WITH THIS BOOK 😭😭😭. I hope you guys have enjoyed this book! I might do a Christmas special and have it be like a larger time skip or smt 👀👀👀 but idk lmfao.

I'm as single as ever rn but this book let me live my taken life. JDNFKFJFOEDNOCNSLC LMFAO

I think I have mentioned this before. But I actually didn't start this book for myself lol. It was all because one sleepover I was having with my friend we ended up telling each other stories. And her bias is Felix so this was the story I told her. I think that night I only got to where they go on the date at the beach. But she then convinced me to make it into a story! So here I am lol.

AND ALSO, thank you so much for 10k+ total reads?!?! I was honestly so happy when this book hit 500! But this is crazy 😭😭.

I still think this book is bad but like it's bad in a good way lol. I'm pretty proud of it as this is my first ever longish story!

I have a couple of one shots posted too. I'll probably continue writing those one day. But I am always open the recommendations for the one shots. Pls read the info on that book for more information 😵‍💫

Anyways. Sorry I made this but so long😭


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