Epilogue Pt.4

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               You woke up to Felix leaving light kisses on your forehead.

"Good morning darling" Felix said, seeing your eyes flutter open.

"Morning~" You said, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes and stretching.

"Was I too rough on you baby" He said, brushing the hair out of your face and running his hand through your hair.

"Not at all, I had an amazing time babe" You said, placing your hand on his. You lifted your self out of the bed and walked to the bathroom.

In the mirror you admired the light marks that Felix left on your neck and torso. When you went back into the bedroom Felix had already went out into the living room.

"So uh, you and Y/n" Minho said to Felix with a smirk on his face.

"Oh be quite, I've heard you and jisung going at it for the last month" Felix said rolling his eyes. You walked into the living room where they were standing, with a light blush on your face.

"Watcha taking about?" You said. Looking at the jaw dropped Minho.

"Not much, just talking about possible choreo for our new song" Minho said lying, not wanting to be exposed.

"Oh cool!" You knew they were probably lying, but it wasn't something you wanted to talk about with Minho, so you just dropped it.

"I'm gonna make an omelette, anyone else want some of it?" You asked. Both said yes, so you headed off to the kitchen.

While you were making the omelette Felix came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your lower torso.

"Can you get the plates for me baby?" You said, tilting your head back and giving him a quick peck on the cheek.

"Of course Darling" He said slowly unwrapping his arms from around you.

Breakfast was quite, both didn't want to say something that may make the other person out them.

Felix took you on a drive to one of his favourite little hiking trails. The drive was long but it was worth it. It was quite quiet. The sounds of birds chirped through the trees, one after another.

The rest of the days leading up to Ateez's debut were similar. Felix would take you to his favourite picnic area or restaurant. Sometimes you would just stay at home though and watch some movies.

One of the favourite shows you guys watch was Heartstopper, Han and Minho binged it with you two. After you guys were finished, they came out to you and you all had a group hug and cuddle pile.

The days flew by but also felt long. It was the perfect. Back in Australia you had missed them so much! But now that you were back with them everything felt right.

Hi! I'm so sorry for not updating for like a month 😭 and that this is so short 💔 I just wanted to give you guys something. Writing just hasn't been coming supper easily rn. I promise I will finish this book though! I will not leave it unfinished ☹️. Thank you s much for reading, and waiting patiently for me to update 🫶🏼.

Much love, Veronica

Fallen Out Of Your League [Felix x y/n]Where stories live. Discover now